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abondanceGraine - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
abondanceHerbe - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
abondanceInsecte - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
action - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
All the gui action are launch here.
action - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
action - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
action() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
actionAFaireSiTailleD1CaseChange() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
actionF - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
actionGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Launch action game part.
actionGame() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Launch action game part.
actionGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Launch action game part.
actionGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
actionGameOn - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
actionGameOn - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
actionGameOn - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.arrowAction
Do a map move action.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel.BListener
actionZoom(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
activity - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.DiscordIntegration
actualisationGraine(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
actualiserCarte() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Do the 3 steps that are need to set FPanelCarte to a new size.
actualiserDesc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
actualiserDescTI(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
actualiserText() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Update text value of the menu buttons.
actuelle - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
add() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GInsecte
add(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GInsecte
add nbrOfInsect insect.
add(EtiquetteJoueur) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.GEtiquetteJoueur
add an Item & enableLaunchButtonIfNeeded.
add(FPanel) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo.FPanelInfoBuilder
add(ThMove) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMoveManager
addActionToActionMap() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.keys
Add actions to use with listeners for all gui part.
addAdvice() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
Add an advice.
addBindings() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.keys
Add keys listeners for all gui part.
addBlades(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Initialize GBlade back.
addBlades(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GBlade
Add blades of the GBlade type.
addBoutonContinuer() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelFinPartie
addBoutonMenuPrincipal() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelFinPartie
addBSuivant() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogueInf
Add the FButton "next".
addBt() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
Add a launch button.
addButton(String, String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelLinks
Add a button with a desciption, an image & an URL to launch.
addButtons() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelIngameMenu
Add all button to the FPanel.
addButtons() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMusic.FPanelMusicButton
Add all button to the FPanel.
addButtons() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelRoundButtonsContainer
Function to override to add all buttons.
addColorChooser() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
Add a color chooser for this player.
addColorChooser() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelGEtiquetteJoueur
Add all colorChooser to every open EtiquetteJoueur.
addComboBox(String[]) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Add a combo box.
addCreature(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoCreature.FPanelInfoCreatureBuilder
Standard Builder for this.
addCreatureIcons() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoCreature.FPanelInfoCreatureBuilder
Add the icons.
addCreatureInfo() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoCreature.FPanelInfoCreatureBuilder
Add the icons then the progress bar with there icon.
addCreatureProgressBar(int, int, int, String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoCreature.FPanelInfoCreatureBuilder
Add a progress bar.
addCreatureProgressBars() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoCreature.FPanelInfoCreatureBuilder
Add the progress bars.
addCreaturesOnSameCase(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder
Standard Builder for this.
addField(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Add an editable text field.
addFood(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
addFoodInsecte(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Add x foodInsecte.
addFoodInsecte(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
addFPanelInfo(GJoueur) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelFinPartie
addFPanelLinks() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Add a links panel to web site, Discord, Github & Tipeee.
addGCreatureInfo() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder
Add all info from the Creatre.
addGraphicOption(int, BufferedImage, Supplier) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Add a graphic option as a FButton.
addIcon(BufferedImage) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCreatureIcons
Add an icon at the liste of icon to print.
addIntField(int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Add an editable int field.
addJcc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
Initialize a JColorChooser that will be used by every FPanelColorChooser.
addMapList(String, GString) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
add all .csv file from path folder.
addMessage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
Add a loaging message.
addMessage(Message) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Add a message for every players.
addMessage(Message) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
addMessage(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelFinPartie
addMovingObject(int, Point, Point) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Add a curent moving object.
addNotOKButton() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Add a not OK Button.
addOKButton() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Add an OK Button.
addPa(int[]) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
addPA() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
addPA() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPA(int[]) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
addPath(CCase, CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.MapPath
Add path CCase by CCase.
addPb() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPcf() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
Add an FPanelCheckFunction to be able not to wait for this panel.
addPch() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPChamp(String, String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
addPcp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Add FPanelChoixPartie.
addPd() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPe() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPfp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPfp(String, GJoueur, boolean, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPI() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
addPigm() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
Add the FPanelIngameMenu.
addPIJ() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
addPj() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
addPm() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
addPmmo() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPmu() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
Add the FPanelMusic.
addPnp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Add FPanelNouvellePartie.
addPs() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPsd() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPTB(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
addPText() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPti(int[], int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
addPti(int[], int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
addPti(int[], String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
addPz() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
Add the FPanelZoom.
addScaledAnt(Liste<TreeNode<BufferedImage>>, Liste<TreeNode<BufferedImage>>, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImageTree
Return the scaled instance of the Ant part.
addScaledAntColorPart(TreeNode<BufferedImage>, TreeNode<BufferedImage>, int, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImageTree
Return the scaled color of the Ant.
addScaledAntOtherPart(TreeNode<BufferedImage>, TreeNode<BufferedImage>, int, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImageTree
Return the scaled part of the body of the Ant.
addScaledInsect(Liste<TreeNode<BufferedImage>>, Liste<TreeNode<BufferedImage>>, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImageTree
Return the scaled instance of the Insect part.
addSizeUpdater() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FIntField
Add a listener to update this & parent size so that this can still fit in.
addSizeUpdater() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextField
Add a listener to update this & parent size so that this can still fit in.
addSlider(int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Add a slider.
addSliderAndIntField(int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Add a slider & an int field.
addSubPanel(FPanel) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
addSubPanel(FPanel) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
addText(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Add an non-editable text field.
addToPath(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.MapPath
Add a single CCase to the path.
addToQueue(ThMove) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
add an item to the queue.
addTour() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
addTour(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
addVersionLabel() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
Add the curent version on screen.
adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar.BarAdjustmentListener
Function call when bar value change.
aff(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
affAide() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
affichecaseSN() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
afficheScore() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
afficheToi() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
afficheToi() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
afficheToi() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
affJ(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
age - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
agressivité - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Personalite
ajouteAge(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
ajouteFood(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
alerte(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
print an alerte box.
allowPanelsOnSameLine - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo.FPanelInfoBuilder
allowToDisableAutoMode() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmiNonIa
Do turn actions that can be done without action.
aNetoyer() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
Search the ant that need the more to be clean.
angle - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Blade
angle - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
aNourrir() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
Search the ant that need the more food.
antIdToPlay - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
antLeg - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
appartionGraine - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
appartionInsecte - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
armure - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Personalite
arrowAction - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Do a map move as an arrow action.
arrowAction(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.arrowAction
Main constructor.
askLanguage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Tool to ask language to the user.
asX(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
Check that it's a correct x.
asY(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
Check that it's a correct y.
avaibleSpecies - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
avancementChargement - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
avoidBorder - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Blade


b - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
b - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
b - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp
b - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
b - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogueInf
b - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
b10ToB16(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
b16ToB10(char) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
backgroundPAI - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
backgroundPAS - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
backHome() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
Back home.
backHomeAndShareFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
Back home and share food to the Creature that need it.
bActionHaveChange - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
BarAdjustmentListener() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar.BarAdjustmentListener
bc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelZoom
bd1 - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelZoom
bGreen - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn.ThreadColor
bi - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder.FPanelObjetAId
biFull - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder.FPanelObjetAId
bIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Blade - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Vegetal blade is used to represent grass & moss on map.
Blade(int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Blade
Main contructor with random direction & random location.
bladeChanged - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
BladeGrass - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Grass blade.
BladeGrass() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.BladeGrass
bladeImage - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
BladeMoss - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
small moss blade.
BladeMoss() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.BladeMoss
BladeSand - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Vegetal blade on sand.
BladeSand() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.BladeSand
BListener() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel.BListener
bMoins - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelZoom
bNotOk - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
boderFPanelObjetAId - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder
bOk - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
borderSize - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
bordure - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
bordure - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
BoutonLong - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
BoutonLong(String, FPanel, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.BoutonLong
BoutonV() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp.BoutonV
bPlus - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelZoom
breakSeed() - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Chasse
Default implementation that do nothing.
breakSeed() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
Break the transported seed.
bt - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
After have use all setter set visible.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Build methode.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelEchap
standard build methode.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo.FPanelInfoBuilder
Main function that build FPanelInfo & return it.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoCreature.FPanelInfoCreatureBuilder
Build including the tranfomation of Creature to Panel.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder
Build including the tranfomation of Creature to Panel.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
Initialize all sub components & variables.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer
Build sub component that need to be build.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Build function that add all the button.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
Initialize all sub components & variables.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
Add background image & version label.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
Build this.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSupDialog
Build this.
build() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelZoom
buildContainerMovingPanel() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Create the containerMovingPanel.
builder() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo
Return a new builder for this.
builder() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoCreature
builder() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature
buildFPanelMenu(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Create the Panel with buttons.
butonBorderColor - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
BUTTON_RADIUS - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer
buttonActivateColor - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
buttonColor - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
buttonColor - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
buttonColorWithoutAlpha - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
buttonDisableColor - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
buttonDisableColorWithoutAlpha - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
buttonFocusColor - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
buttonFocusColorWithoutAlpha - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
buttonList - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
buttonList - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelRoundButtonsContainer
buttonRetry - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameLauncher.FPanelLauncher
buttonSize - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelLinks


c - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
c - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseHerbivore
c - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseInsectivore
c - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementFourmi
c - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourInsecte
c - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp
c - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelFinPartie
c - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoCreature.FPanelInfoCreatureBuilder
c - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder
calculeDif() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
calculerXYTemp(int, int, int, Case) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
fonction that place ObjetSurCarteAId on the same Case.
calculeVitesseDeJeu() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
canBeClose() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
canBeOpenBy(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
Return true if it can be open by given Creature.
canBreakSeed() - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Chasse
Default implementation that always return false.
canBreakSeed() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
Return true if Creature can break the transported seed.
canDisplayLanguages(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
Print if languages can be display by font.
canEatSeed() - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Chasse
Default implementation that always return false.
canEatSeed() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
Return true if Creature can eat the transported seed.
canHuntMore() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
canHuntMore() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseInsectivore
canHuntMore(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Chasse
check if can hunt.
canHuntMore(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
Check if can hunt.
canHuntMore(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseNull
If lauch print an error.
canLay() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
canLay(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Pondre
canLay(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.PondreNull
It can never lay.
canLay(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.PondreReine
Return true if can lay an egg.
canReachCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Carte - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Map class.
Carte(GCase) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
Secondary constructor.
Carte(GCase, byte, byte, byte, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
Main constructor.
Carte(GCase, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
Carte(String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
Secondary constructor.
Case - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Square objects use to represent the map.
Case(int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Case(Point) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Case(Point, Fourmiliere, GCreature) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Case(Point, Fourmiliere, GCreature, byte, byte, byte) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
caseColor(Case) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
Return the backgroud color of a Case.
caseNuageuse - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
casesNuageuses - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
casesNuageuses - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
caseSombre - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
casesSombres - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
casesSombres - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
caseToString(Case, boolean, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
Return a Case as a String.
caseToString(CCase, Joueur) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
Return a case as a String.
casser() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
cb - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCheckFunction
cc2 - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
ccase - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Place on the map
ccase - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetSurCarteAId
CCase - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
CCase(int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
CCase(int, int, GCase) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
CCase(Case) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
CCase(Case, GCase) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
ccaseClicked - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
ccases - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
ceDeplacer(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
ceDeplacer(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
ceDeplacer(Case) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
ceDeplacer(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
ceDeplacerPlusieurCase(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
ceNetoyer() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
centerOver(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
Center all sub panel in x & y.
centerOver(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
Center all sub panel in x & y.
centerOverCase(Case) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Center map panel over a Case.
centerOverCase(Case) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Center map over a Case.
cf - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCheckFunction
cFond - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
cFondUseAlpha - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
ch - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
changeColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn.ThreadColor
Change color from green to red.
changeColor(Img, Pheromone) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImages
Change the image color depending of ant Pheromone.
changerDePeudo() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
chargementDesGraphismesAutonomes() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Th
charger(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
Load a Partie.
chargerCarte - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
To load a map as a GCase from a .csv file.
chargerCarte() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.chargerCarte
chargerCarte(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.chargerCarte
Load a map as a GCase from a .csv file.
chargerFond() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogueInf
Load the backgrounf image.
chargerImages() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Load image in map resolution.
chargerImagesIni() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Load image in full resolution.
chargerTI() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Load Case image
chargerTIBZoom() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Load images for FPanelZoom
chargerTIFPanelAction() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Load graphics for FPanelAction
chargerTImage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Load images for FPanelAction without background
chargerTImageAvecFond(Pixel) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Load images for FPanelAction with background
chargerTX(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
chargerTX(String, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
chargerTX(String, int, byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
chargerTX(String, int, byte, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Load a group of BufferedImage that starts with a similar name.
chasse - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
chasse() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
chasse(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Chasse
chasse(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
actions during hunt.
chasse(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseHerbivore
Hunt as an herbivore.
chasse(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseInsectivore
actions during hunt.
chasse(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseNull
If lauch print an error.
Chasse - Interface in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
ChasseGranivore - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Ant implementation.
ChasseGranivore(Creature) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
ChasseHerbivore - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Chasse implementation.
ChasseHerbivore() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseHerbivore
ChasseInsectivore - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Ant implementation.
ChasseInsectivore() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseInsectivore
ChasseNull - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
A null implementation.
ChasseNull() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseNull
chasser(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
chasser(Creature, int) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Chasse
chasser(Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
collect seeds.
chasser(Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseHerbivore
chasser(Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseInsectivore
try to hunt or moove.
chasser(Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseNull
If lauch print an error.
checked - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FCheckBox.FCheckBoxIcon
checkFPanelDialogue(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSupDialog
Check if FPanelDialogue is waiting to go to next dialog.
checkFPanelDialogue(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSupDialog
Check if FPanelDialogue is waiting to go to next dialog.
choix - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTInt
choixCarte - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
choixCarteDesc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
choixId - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
choixType() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.PondreReine
Choose a typeF for the egg.
choixX - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
choixXDesc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
cible - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerFourmi
classerPourNetoyage(Fourmi) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Sort this depending of health.
cleaning - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
cleanItself() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
To be sur that the ant will be clean.
cleanOther() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
Clean if other ant need it.
clicEn(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogue
If we are waiting for going to next commande, launch it.
cLIMap - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
CLIMap - Class in fr.formiko.views.cli
Represent the Map in CLI mode.
CLIMap(GCase) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
Main contructor.
close() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
close all the thing that need to be close after using view.
close() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
close all the thing that need to be close after using view.
close() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
close all the thing that need to be close after using view.
close() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
closeFPanelChargement() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
remove FPanelChargement & listen mouse clic on the map.
closeLauncher() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Close the game launcher.
cloudMap - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
cmdSuivante - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Script
cNuageuse - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
cNuageuseIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
col - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.BladeGrass
col - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.BladeMoss
col - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.BladeSand
colId - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonPGO
color - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
color - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FBorder
color - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
color - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn
coloredPanel - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
colorToPh(Color) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
combo - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
comboBox - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
commande(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
comp - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelColorChooser
comparator - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
compteur - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel.BListener
computeScore(GInt) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Return score of an anthill from GGInt.
conseil - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
container - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
containerMovingPanel - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
contenu - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
continerLeJeu - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
copier() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
copierGGraine() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GGraine
make a copy.
copyStructure() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImageTree
Copy the structure of a given Tree.
core - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.DiscordIntegration
couleur - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
countLines(double) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextArea
Count line function.
cpt - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
cptid - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.IEspece
cptId - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel
cptId - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
cptMessageChargement - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
createAntImageFromNode(Creature, TreeNode<BufferedImage>, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImageTree
Create an ant Image from the coresponding node, with the Creature color.
createBadge(String, int, String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.createBadges
Create a badge for github readme.
createBadge(String, String, String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.createBadges
Create a badge for github readme.
createBadges - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Create badges for github readme.
createBadges() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.createBadges
createBadges() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.createBadges
Create badges for github readme.
createButton(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Create the main buttons of the panel.
createDocBadges() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.createBadges
Create doc badges for github readme.
createEspece(String, String[]) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GEspece
Load a species from game data.
createIEspece(String, String[]) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GIEspece
Load a IEspece from game data.
createIndividu(String, String[]) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GIndividu
Create an individu from a .csv file line.
createLanguagesBadges() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.createBadges
Create language badges for github readme.
createReturnButton() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Create the returnButton.
createVersionsBadges() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.createBadges
Create version badges for github readme.
Creature - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
The class that extends every living thing on the game.
Creature() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Creature(CCase) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Creature(CCase, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Creature(CCase, int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
constructor for Creature.
Creature(CCase, int, int, byte) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
constructor for Creature.
Creature(CCase, int, int, byte, Pheromone, int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Main constructor for Creature.
Creature(CCase, int, int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
cSombre - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
cSombreIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
ct - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.IEspece
curent - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
curent2 - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
curentFPS - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
curentThList - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
cutWings - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi


data - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Data use by GUI
Data - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Contain all data (images) that will be used by the graphic interface.
Data() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Data() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Main constructor.
dateDeCréation - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
debug_gui - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
debug_message - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
debug_paintHitBox - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
debug_performance - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
dejaIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
deleteFromGame(Fourmi) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.MourirFourmi
Delete the ant from the map and the anthill.
depecer(Insecte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseInsectivore
Butcher during hunt.
Deplacement - Interface in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
déplacement - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
DeplacementFourmi - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Ant implementation.
DeplacementFourmi() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementFourmi
DeplacementNull - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
A null implementation.
DeplacementNull() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementNull
deploy() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelColorChooser
Deploy the ColorChooser to pick a color.
deployButton - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelColorChooser
déposer(Graine) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
desc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
desc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
desc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
DescMouseMotionListener - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Listener that update description when it need.
DescMouseMotionListener() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.DescMouseMotionListener
description() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
description() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
description() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
descriptionF() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
descriptionGString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
descriptionTableau() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
descs - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoText
descS - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
descTI - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
descTI - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTX
dessinerGrille(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw grid.
devenirUnCadavre(Insecte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.MourirInsecte
Transform an Insect to a dead body.
dézoomer(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
difficulté - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
diminuerOuPasFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
direction - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetSurCarteAId
disableLaunchButtonIfNeeded() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.GEtiquetteJoueur
if there is 0 humain player, turn off launch button.
DiscordIntegration - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
A discord intergration to have rich presence on discord app.
DiscordIntegration() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.DiscordIntegration
discordRPC() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.DiscordIntegration
Main function to launch the discord rich presence.
disposeFOptionPane() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Close the FOptionPane.
doAction(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelZoom
doAction(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
doAction(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
Launch an action on gui mode.
doAction(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel
doAction(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelZoom
doActionPe(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
Launch an escape panel action.
doActionPj(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
Launch an action on action game.
doActionPl(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
Launch an action on gui mode on the Panel launcher.
doActionPm(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
Launch an action on menu.
doGraphicsAction(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
do a graphic action concerning map aspect.
doNotNeedToEndTurnAuto() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
return endTurnAuto depending of Options & endTurn button.
dontOpenMenuFirst() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
doSlice(int, BufferedImage, int, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Do a slice of angle from a BufferedImage.
downloadDiscordLibrary() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.DiscordIntegration
Dowload library depending of the OS.
draw(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Blade
Main function that draw this on g.
drawBlades(Graphics, GCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
drawCircle(Graphics, CCase, Color) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw a colored circle on a giving Case.
drawIcon(Graphics, BufferedImage, int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw an icon.
drawImage(Graphics, BufferedImage, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
draw an image.
drawImageCentered(Graphics, BufferedImage, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
draw an image centered for a Case.
drawImageCentered(Graphics, BufferedImage, int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
draw an image centered.
drawLine(Graphics, double, double, double, double) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelRoundButtonsContainer
Draw a line.
drawLine(Graphics, CCase, CCase, Color) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw a colored line on a giving Case.
drawLine(Graphics, CCase, CCase, Color, boolean, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw a colored line on a giving Case.
drawListIcons(Graphics, Liste<BufferedImage>, int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw an icons list.
drawMovingPath(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw the path from playingAnt to the looked case.
drawOnlySelectedBorder - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
drawPlayingAnt(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw the mark for playingAnt.
drawRond(int, int, int, Graphics2D, Fourmiliere, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw a circle as an anthill mark.
drawRondOuRect(int, int, int, Graphics2D, Fourmiliere, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw an anthill mark.
drawWhiteCircle(Graphics, CCase, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw a white circle on giving Case.
drawWhiteLine(Graphics, CCase, CCase, boolean, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw a white line on giving Case.
dropTransported() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Drop the transported item.
dsc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur


e - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
eat(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Eat with the interface Chasse.
eatIfNeed() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
eatSeed() - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Chasse
Default implementation that do nothing.
eatSeed() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
Eat the transported seed.
ecLanguage - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
ecouteClic - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Script
eDif - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
ej - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur.ItemState
ej - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur.ItemState2
elément - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
enableLaunchButtonIfNeeded() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.GEtiquetteJoueur
if there is at least 1 humain player, turn on launch button.
enCours - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
endActionGame(boolean, int, String, GJoueur, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Stop game and print the end menu.
endActionGame(boolean, int, String, GJoueur, boolean) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Stop game and print the end menu.
endActionGame(boolean, int, String, GJoueur, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Stop game and print the end menu.
endActionGame(boolean, int, String, GJoueur, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
endCh(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
End the Chrono & return the time.
endCh(String, Chrono) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
End the Chrono & return the time.
endIni() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrame
Function to end ini by setting resizable, visible & on top.
endRun() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
End the ObjetSurCarteAId animation by removing this from the 2 thread.
endTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
endTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
End a turn as an Ant.
endTurn(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Tour
end a turn.
endTurn(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourCreatureMorte
End 1 turn with Creature c.
endTurn(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourCreatureSansAction
End a turn.
endTurn(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
End a turn as an Ant.
endTurn(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmiNonIa
endTurn(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourInsecte
End a turn as an Insecte.
endTurn(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourNull
If lauch print an error.
enregistrerLesScores() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Save stats/score in the GGInt.
ePartie - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChoixPartie
equals(Pheromone, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
special equals function.
equals(Object) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Standard equals function.
equals(Object) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
Standard equals function.
equals(Object) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
Standard equals function.
equals(Object) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
Standard equals function.
equals(Object) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetAId
Standard equals function with id.
equals(Object) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
Standard equals function.
equals(Object) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
Standard equals function.
equals(Object) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
Standard equals function with id.
err(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerNull
Print the error.
Espece - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Espece(int, String, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, byte[], byte[], byte[], boolean[], byte[], int[], int[], String, GIndividu, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
Default Espece constructor
Espece(int, String, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, boolean, boolean, boolean, byte[], int[], int[], boolean, String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
estALaFere() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
True if the ant is at its anthill.
estCaseVide() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
estContruit() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelEchap
Return true if only FPanelEchap button sould be enable.
estFourmi() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
estReine() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
estWindows() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
EtiquetteChoix - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
EtiquetteChoix(int, String, GString) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
EtiquetteChoix(String, GString) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
EtiquetteJoueur - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
EtiquetteJoueur() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
EtiquetteJoueur(boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
EtiquetteJoueur(String, Boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
EtiquetteJoueur.ItemState - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
EtiquetteJoueur.ItemState2 - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
eVitesseDeJeu - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
evoluer - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
evoluer() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
evoluer(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Evoluer
evoluer(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.EvoluerFourmi
ant grow up.
evoluer(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.EvoluerNull
If lauch print an error.
Evoluer - Interface in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
EvoluerFourmi - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Ant implementation.
EvoluerFourmi() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.EvoluerFourmi
EvoluerNull - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
A null implementation.
EvoluerNull() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.EvoluerNull
executeScript(String[]) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Script
Execute the script line by line.
expediteur - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message


f - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.PondreReine
f - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
f - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Main windows
faire(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmiNonIa
Do a turn action.
fBEndTurn - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer
FBorder - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
the Border class for Formiko.
FBorder() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FBorder
FButton - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Extends of Button with some added functions.
FButton(String, FPanel, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Create a new FButton without image.
FButton(String, FPanel, int, Image) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Create a new FButton.
FButtonEndTurn() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn
Main constructor.
FButtonLink - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Button able to launch an URL.
FButtonLink(String, FPanel, String, Image) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonLink
Create a new button that can open a link.
FButtonPGO - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Extends of FButton with some added functions to defined color & draw a circle button.
FButtonPGO(int, BufferedImage, Supplier) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonPGO
Main constructor.
FCheckBox - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A simple checkBox using Formiko UI style.
FCheckBox() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FCheckBox
Main constructor using Formiko UI style.
FCheckBox.FCheckBoxIcon - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A simple checkBoxIcon using Formiko UI style.
FCheckBoxIcon(int, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FCheckBox.FCheckBoxIcon
Main constructor.
FComboBox<T> - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
extends of JComboBox with Formiko colors.
FComboBox() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FComboBox
Constructors that use personalised color.
FComboBox(T[]) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FComboBox
Constructors that use personalised color.
fctAlpha - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder
Function that change alpha.
feedOther(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
Give food by trophallaxis if other ant need it.
femelle - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
fere - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
fere - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
fere - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
fere - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
fereIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
FFolder - Class in fr.formiko.fusual
Class that have all link to all folder of formiko.
FFolder(Progression) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.fusual.FFolder
Main constructor that only call Folder one.
FFrame - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Main container in GUI.
FFrame(String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrame
Main constructor.
FFrameLauncher - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Frame used for the launcher.
FFrameLauncher() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameLauncher
Main constructor.
FFrameLauncher.FPanelLauncher - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Main panel used for the launcher.
FFrameMain - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Main game container in GUI.
FFrameMain() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameMain
Main constructor.
fileName - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
filterAlliés(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
return the Creatures that are ally with c.
filterAlliés(Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Return the Creatures that are ally with c.
filterFaimMax() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
delete Creature that can't eat more.
filterHealthMax() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
delete Creature that can't be cleaner.
filterWantClean() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
delete Creature that didn't whant clean.
filterWantFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
delete Creature that didn't whant food.
FImages - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.images
FImages() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImages
FImageTree - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.images
Custom Tree class using Generics.
FImageTree() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImageTree
finDePartie() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
finDePartie(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
finDePartie(int, boolean, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
FIntField - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Standard int field for Formiko.
FIntField(NumberFormatter) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FIntField
Main constructor.
fl - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
FLabel - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Personalized JLabel.
FLabel() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
Secondary constructor.
FLabel(int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
Main constructor.
FLabel(String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
Secondary constructor.
flyingCreature - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
FMouseWheelListener() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar.FMouseWheelListener
fond - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogueInf
fongivore - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
font1 - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
font2 - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
fontPij - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
food - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
FOOD_COST_TO_LAY - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.PondreReine
foodConsume - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
foodEatable - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
foodInsecte - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
foodInsecteMax - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
foodInsecteParTour - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
FOptionPane - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Personalised JDialog.
FOptionPane() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Constructor that use main frame as owner.
FOptionPane(Frame) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Main constructor.
force - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Personalite
Fourmi - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
The ant class.
Fourmi() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
Null constructor.
Fourmi(Fourmiliere, Espece, byte) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
Main constructor.
Fourmi(Fourmiliere, Espece, byte, byte) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
Secondary constructor.
Fourmi(Fourmiliere, Espece, byte, byte, Pheromone) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
Secondary constructor.
Fourmi(Fourmiliere, Espece, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
Secondary constructor.
Fourmiliere - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Fourmiliere() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Fourmiliere(int, Joueur) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Fourmiliere(int, Joueur, Carte) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Fourmiliere(CCase, Joueur) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Fourmiliere(Joueur, Carte) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
FPanel - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanel() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel
FPanel.BListener - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelAction - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelAction() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
FPanelAction(int[]) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
FPanelActionInf - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelActionInf() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelActionInf
FPanelActionSup - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelActionSup() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelActionSup
FPanelBouton - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelBouton() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
FPanelCarte - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Map panel.
FPanelCarte() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
FPanelChamp - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelChamp() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp
FPanelChamp(String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp
FPanelChamp.BoutonV - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelChargement - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A loading screen to wait for game launch.
FPanelChargement() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
Main constructor that add message & advice.
FPanelCheckFunction - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A checkBox panel with a message.
FPanelCheckFunction(CheckFunction) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCheckFunction
Main constructor with check box & text field.
FPanelChoixPartie - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A partie launcher Panel from a save.
FPanelChoixPartie() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChoixPartie
Create a new Panel that can launch a game.
FPanelColorChooser - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A color chooser Panel that can let user pick a specify color or a random one.
FPanelColorChooser(int, int, JComponent) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelColorChooser
Standard constructor with width, height & the component to color.
FPanelCreatureIcons - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Panel that containt the creature icons.
FPanelCreatureIcons(int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCreatureIcons
Main constructor.
FPanelDialogue - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelDialogue() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogue
FPanelDialogueInf - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Dialogue backgroud panel.
FPanelDialogueInf() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogueInf
Empty main constructor.
FPanelEchap - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Escap panel.
FPanelEchap() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelEchap
Main constructor that set not visible.
FPanelFinPartie - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelFinPartie() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelFinPartie
FPanelGEtiquetteJoueur - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelGEtiquetteJoueur(GEtiquetteJoueur) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelGEtiquetteJoueur
FPanelGraphicsOptions() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Main constructor.
FPanelInfo - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Panel that containt infos as a List of Panel.
FPanelInfo() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo
Main constructor.
FPanelInfo.FPanelInfoBuilder - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Standard Builder for this.
FPanelInfoBuilder() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo.FPanelInfoBuilder
Main constructor.
FPanelInfoCreature - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Panel that containt infos about a Creature as a List of Panel.
FPanelInfoCreature() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoCreature
FPanelInfoCreature.FPanelInfoCreatureBuilder - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Standard Builder for this.
FPanelInfoCreatureBuilder() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoCreature.FPanelInfoCreatureBuilder
FPanelInfoGCreature - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Panel that containt infos about a GCreature as a List of Panel.
FPanelInfoGCreature() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature
FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Standard Builder for this.
FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder.FPanelObjetAId - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Small panel that represent a creature.
FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder
FPanelInfoText - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A simple text Pannel.
FPanelInfoText(Fourmi) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoText
Secondary constructor.
FPanelInfoText(Fourmi, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoText
Secondary constructor.
FPanelInfoText(List<String>) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoText
Secondary constructor.
FPanelInfoText(List<String>, int, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoText
Secondary constructor.
FPanelInfoText(List<String>, int, boolean, Font) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoText
Main constructor.
FPanelIngameMenu - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
The top rigth ingame panel.
FPanelIngameMenu() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelIngameMenu
Main constructor.
FPanelJeu - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelJeu() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
FPanelLanceurPartie - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A partie launcher Panel.
FPanelLanceurPartie(int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelLanceurPartie
Main constructor.
FPanelLauncher(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameLauncher.FPanelLauncher
Main constructor.
FPanelLinks - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Panel with buttons able to launch an URL.
FPanelLinks(int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelLinks
Create a new link panel that will resize himself.
FPanelListenMove(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove.FPanelListenMove
Main constructor with mouse listeners.
FPanelListenMove(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove.FPanelListenMove
Main constructor with mouse listeners.
FPanelListenMove(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove.FPanelListenMove
Main constructor with mouse listeners.
FPanelListenMove(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove.FPanelListenMove
Main constructor with mouse listeners.
FPanelMapMove - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Panel that make map move.
FPanelMapMove() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
Main empty constructor.
FPanelMapMove.FPanelListenMove - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Panel used to listen mouse move.
FPanelMapMove.ThMoveSubPanel - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Thread used to do the move.
FPanelMenu - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
menu JPanel use to launch game.
FPanelMenu() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Empty main constructor.
FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Update the position of animate item on the menu screen.
FPanelMiniMap - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Panel that contain MiniMap.
FPanelMiniMap() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMap
Main constructor.
FPanelMiniMapContainer - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Panel that contain MiniMap, fBEndTurn button & graphics options buttons.
FPanelMiniMapContainer() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer
Main constructor.
FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FButton to end turn.
FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn.ThreadColor - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
To change color from green to red.
FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Change map face.
FPanelMusic - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A music panel with all the possible music action.
FPanelMusic() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMusic
Main constructor.
FPanelMusic.FPanelMusicButton - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A music buton panel with all the possible music action.
FPanelMusicButton() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMusic.FPanelMusicButton
Main constructor.
FPanelNouvellePartie - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A partie launcher Panel that create a new partie.
FPanelNouvellePartie(int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
FPanelObjetAId(ObjetAId, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder.FPanelObjetAId
Main constructor.
FPanelPanelMove - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Panel that make map move.
FPanelPanelMove() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
Main empty constructor.
FPanelPanelMove.FPanelListenMove - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Panel used to listen mouse move.
FPanelPanelMove.ThMoveSubPanel - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Thread used to do the move.
FPanelPrincipal - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
the main Panel.
FPanelPrincipal() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
Main constructor.
FPanelPrincipal.ThreadMessagesDesc - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Thread used to print a description message at mouse location.
FPanelProgressBar - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Panel that containt a FProgressBar & an icon.
FPanelProgressBar(FProgressBar, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar
Main constructor.
FPanelProgressBar.FPanelProgressBarMouseListener - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Listener that update description when it need.
FPanelProgressBarMouseListener() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar.FPanelProgressBarMouseListener
FPanelRoundButtonsContainer - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A panel that contain a FButtonPGO list.
FPanelRoundButtonsContainer(int, double) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelRoundButtonsContainer
Main constructor.
FPanelScrollBar - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A Jpanel with a JScrollBar.
FPanelScrollBar(FPanel) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar
Main constructor.
FPanelScrollBar.BarAdjustmentListener - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
An AdjustmentListener that update panel location.
FPanelScrollBar.FMouseWheelListener - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A MouseWheelListener that update scroll bar value.
FPanelSup - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Map mouse listener panel.
FPanelSup() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
FPanelSupDialog - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Map mouse listener panel.
FPanelSupDialog() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSupDialog
FPanelTBoolean - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelTBoolean(String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTBoolean
FPanelTInt - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelTInt(int[], FPanelBouton) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTInt
FPanelTInt(int[], String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTInt
FPanelTX - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelTX() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTX
FPanelZoom - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
FPanelZoom() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelZoom
FProgressBar - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A personalized JProgressBar.
FProgressBar() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FProgressBar
Main constructor.
fr.formiko.formiko - package fr.formiko.formiko
fr.formiko.formiko.images - package fr.formiko.formiko.images
fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces - package fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
fr.formiko.fusual - package fr.formiko.fusual
fr.formiko.views - package fr.formiko.views
fr.formiko.views.cli - package fr.formiko.views.cli
fr.formiko.views.gui2d - package fr.formiko.views.gui2d
friendlyLevel(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Return a friendly level. Higer is more frienly.
from - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
FSlider - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Personalised JSlider.
FSlider(int, int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FSlider
Main constructor.
fta - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogue
FTextArea - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Personalized text area.
FTextArea(String, double) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextArea
Main constructor.
FTextField - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Standard TextField for Formiko.
FTextField() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextField
FTextField(int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextField
1 main constructor with a number of char to gess width & default font.
FTextField(String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextField
1 main constructor with a string & default font.
FTextPane - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Personalized text pane.
FTextPane() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextPane
Main constructor.
FTime - Class in fr.formiko.fusual
Time class with Formiko functions.
FTime(String, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.fusual.FTime
Main constructor.
FTranslation - Class in fr.formiko.fusual
Translation class with Formiko functions.
FTranslation() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.fusual.FTranslation


game_discordRP - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
game_endTurnAuto - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
game_forceQuit - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
game_language - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
language can be save as byte or String in properties & options file.
game_lastCheckedVersion - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
game_pseudo - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
game_whaitBeforeLaunchGame - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gb - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
GBlade - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Groups of vegetal blade, used to represent grass & moss on map.
GBlade(int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GBlade
Main contructor with a given type.
gc - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
the GCase with the type of Case.
gc - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
gc - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
gc - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Liste of the Creature own by the Fourmiliere
gc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
GCase - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
A Groups of squares with most of the map items.
GCase() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
GCase(int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
GCase(int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
GCreature - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
List of creatures.
GCreature() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Main constructor.
GCreature(int, Fourmiliere, Espece, CCase) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Constructor that create an empty GCreature and then fill it as a Fourmiliere.
gcSortedByImageSize(GCreature) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Return a Liste<Creature> sorted by image size.
gcToTInt() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Return an array of id.
ge - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
gej - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
gej - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelGEtiquetteJoueur
gej - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
GEspece - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
List of species.
GEspece() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GEspece
Create a new list of species from game data.
get(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
get1Pseudo() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getAbondanceGraine() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
getAbondanceHerbe() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
getAbondanceInsecte() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
getAction() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getActionB() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
getActionF() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getActionGameOn() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getActionGameOn() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getActionGameOn() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
getActionGameOn() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
getActionGameOn() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
getActionMenu(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Return an aviable action in a menu.
getAffG() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getAge() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getAlliéSurLaCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
find all allied Creature on the same Case.
getAlliéSurLaCaseSansThis() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
find all allied Creature on the same Case and remove this form the GCreature.
getAllyAntInColor(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Return the color depending of the status of c for playingAnt.
getAnimationEnable() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getAntChoice(int[]) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Return the chosen value for ant action.
getAntChoice(int[]) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Return the chosen value for ant action.
getAntChoice(int[]) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Return the chosen value for ant action.
getAntChoice(int[]) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
getAntColorLevel() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getAntFromFere() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Select an ant from playingAnt anthill.
getAntIdToPlay() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getAntImage(Fourmi) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Return an array with all images use to draw an ant.
getAppartionGraine() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getAppartionInsecte() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getArrowImage(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMusic.FPanelMusicButton
Return a next or last image.
getAutoCleaning() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getAvaibleSpecies() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getAvaibleSpecies() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getAvancementChargement() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getAviableType() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getAviableType() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GIndividu
Return all the aviable type in this GIndividu.
getB() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
getB() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
return background color with or without alpha.
getBackgroundPAI() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getBackgroundPAS() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getBActionHaveChange() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getBc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
getBetterSeed() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GGraine
Return the seed that have the most givenFood.
getBladeChanged() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getBladesImage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Return a grass blade image.
getBListener() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel
getBMusic() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getBorderButtonSize() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getBorderButtonSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getBorderButtonSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
getBoutonX(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTInt
getBrood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
{summary Return all the Creature at an other stade than 0.}
getBroodSale() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
getBroodSaleE() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
getBroodsSale() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
getBSon() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getButonBorderColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getButtonActivateColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getButtonColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getButtonColor(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Return color used by the buttons.
getButtonColorWithoutAlpha() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getButtonDisableColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getButtonDisableColorWithoutAlpha() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getButtonFocusColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getButtonFocusColorWithoutAlpha() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getbuttonSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
getbuttonSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelZoom
getbuttonSizeAction() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getbuttonSizeAction() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getbuttonSizeTX() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getbuttonSizeTX() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getbuttonSizeZoom() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getbuttonSizeZoom() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getCarte() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getCarte() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetSurCarteAId
getCase(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
getCaseNuageuse(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getCasesBetween(int, int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
Give all Case in a rectangle as a list.
getCasesBetween(CCase, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
Give all Case in a rectangle as a list.
getCasesBetween(CCase, CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
Give all Case in a rectangle as a list.
getCasesNuageuses() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
getCasesNuageuses() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getCaseSombre(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getCasesSombres() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
getCasesSombres() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getCc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getCCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getCCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetSurCarteAId
getCCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Return the chosen CCase.
getCCase() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Return the chosen CCase.
getCCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
get a CCase from the payer.
getCCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
getCCase(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
getCCase(int, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getCCase(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
getCCase(Point) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
getCCase(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
getCCaseAlléa() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
getCCaseFromString(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
transforme a String to a CCase and return it.
getCFont() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
getCh() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getChoixBouton() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmiNonIa
Return user choice to do an ant action.
getChoixBouton(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmiNonIa
Return user choice to do an ant action.
getChoixId() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getChoixId() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTBoolean
getChoixId() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTInt
getChoixX() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
getChoixXDesc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
getCloudMap() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getCmdSuivante() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Script
getCNuageuse() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Blade
getColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.BladeGrass
getColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.BladeMoss
getColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.BladeSand
getColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
getColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FBorder
getColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelColorChooser
getColor(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.createBadges
return a color depending of percentage.
getColorAllyStatus(Creature) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
Return a color String to represent the ally status of Creature c with the playingAnt.
getColorChooser() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
getColoredRoundImage(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Return a colored round image as anthill color are draw.
getContent() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getContent() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Return the content of the text field.
getContinuerLeJeu() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getCouleur() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
getCoutChasse() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getCoutNétoyer() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getCoutPondre() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getCoutTrophallaxie() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getCreatureById(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
return the Creature that have this id.
getCreatureById(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
getCreatureByIdE(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
return the Creature that have this id.
getCreatureImage(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Return the Image that fit to a Creature.
getCreatureImage(Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImageTree
Return the Image that fit to a Creature.
getCreatureQuiOnFaim(int[], Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Trophallaxie
getCreatureQuiOnFaim(int[], Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TrophallaxieFourmi
find hungry ant.
getCreatureQuiOnFaim(int[], Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TrophallaxieNull
If lauch print an error.
getCSombre() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getCt() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.IEspece
getCt(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.IEspece
getCurentFPS() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getCutWings() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getData() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getData() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel
getData() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getDateDeCréation() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getDateDeCréation() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getDateFormat() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getDefaultProperties() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
get defaultProperties of the Options.
getDefautlPartie() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
Load the default Partie.
getDesc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Return the description of the button.
getDesc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonLink
Return a description of the button.
getDesc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonPGO
Return the description of the button.
getDesc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getDesc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder.FPanelObjetAId
Return a description of this.
getDescEnabled() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonPGO
Return a string representing the enabled or not state of the button.
getDescTI() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getDifficulté() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getDifficulté() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getDim() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
getDimX() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getDimXCarte() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getDimY() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getDimY() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
getDimY() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
getDimY() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextArea
getDir(ObjetSurCarteAId) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
getDirAllea() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetSurCarteAId
getDirection() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetSurCarteAId
getDirection(Case) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
return a direction by using this & a Case to reach.
getDirection(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
return a direction by using this & an other CCase to reach.
getDirection(Point, Point) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
return a direction by using 2 Point.
getDirectionFromXY(int, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
return a direction by using difference in x & in y.
getDiscordRP() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getDistance() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
Return the distance between the mouse location & the Creature location.
getDown() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getDrawAllAnthillColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getDrawAllyCreatures() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getDrawBlades() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getDrawEnemyCreatures() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getDrawGrid() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getDrawGrid() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getDrawNeutralCreatures() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getDrawOnlyEatable() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getDrawPlayerMessagePanel() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getDrawRelationsIcons() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getDrawRelationsIcons() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getDrawSeeds() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getDrawStatesIconsLevel() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getEcouteClic() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Script
getEnCours() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getEndTurnAuto() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getError() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getEscapeImage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelIngameMenu
Return a text image.
getEspece() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getEspece() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getEspece() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Return species of this GCreature as if it was the gc of an anthill.
getEspece() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getEspece() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getEspece() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getEspeceById(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GEspece
Return a species.
getEspeceById(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getEstAllié(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Is this consider as an ally of c ?
getEstBoutonActif(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
getEstEnnemi(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Is this consider as an enemy of c ?
getF() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getF() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getFbetEnabled() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer
Shortcut for fBEndTurn.
getFBorder() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
getFComboBox(Iterable) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FComboBox
Return a FComboBox with all the String in it.
getFComboBox(Iterable, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FComboBox
Return a FComboBox with all the String in it.
getFemelle() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getFemelle() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getFemelle() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
getFere() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getFere() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getFere() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getFere() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getFirst() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
getFirstGame() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getFl() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getFolder() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getFolder() - Static method in class fr.formiko.fusual.FFolder
getFollowAntAtStartTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFongivore() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getFont1() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getFont1() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFont1(double) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getFont1(Double) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFont2() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getFont2() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFontSizeText() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getFontSizeText() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFontSizeTitle() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getFontSizeTitle() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFontText() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFontTitle() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFontTitle(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
Return a font that can display given String.
getFontTitlePersonalised() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getFoodConso() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getFoodConso(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getfoodEatable() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
getFoodInsecte() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getFoodInsecteMax() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getFoodInsecteParTour() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getForceQuit() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getForceQuit() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFourmiById(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
return the Fourmi that have this id.
getFourmiById(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
getFourmiliere() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getFourmiliere() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getFourmiliereById(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getFourmiliereById(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
getFourmiParFere(Fourmiliere) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
getFourmiParFereE(Fourmiliere) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
getFourmiParOrdreDeSaletéSurLaCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerFourmi
get non-100% clean ant sort by cleaning level.
getFourmiPasPropre() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerFourmi
get non-100% clean ant.
getFps() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFrameHeight() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFrameWidth() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getFullscreen() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getFullscreen() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getG() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
getGb() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getGc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
getGc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getGc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getGc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getGc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Return all the Creatures of all the players.
getGc() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getGc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getGca(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getGcStade(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
{summary Return all the Creature at a specific stade.}
getGcType(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
{summary Return all the Ant at a specific typeF.}
getGe() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getGe() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getGej() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
getGEspece() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getGg() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getGg() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getGg() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getGg(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getGGraine() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getGGraine() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getGGraineCopier() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getGi() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getGi() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getGi() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Return all Insecte from this.
getGi() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getGi() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getGi(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getGIndividu() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getGivenFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getGivenFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
getGivenFood(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getGiVivant() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GInsecte
retrun a new GInsecte with only alive insects.
getGj() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getGj() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getGJoueur(Carte) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.GEtiquetteJoueur
return this as a fully usable GJoueur.
getGjSorted() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Return a sorted GJoueur by score.
getGm() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getGraineImage(Graine) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Return the Image that fit to a Seed.
getGraineOuverte() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GGraine
Return the first oppen seed.
getGrainePlusDeGivenFood(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GGraine
Return the seed that have the most givenFood & with hardness > hardnessMax.
getGrainePlusDeGivenFood(Fourmi) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GGraine
Return the seed that have the most givenFood & with hardness > ant max hardness.
getGranivore() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getGridImage(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Return a grid image with len line & len column.
getHardness() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
getHardnessMax() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getHaveWings() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
return true if Creature have wings.
getHaveWings() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
Only insectes imagos & ant imagos of type 0 or 1 can have wings.
getHaveWings() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
return true if Ant still have wings.
getHaveWings() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
getHead() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
getHealth() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getHealthLost() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getHealthLost(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getHeight() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
getHeight() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getHeight() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getHerbivore() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getI() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getI() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getI() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetAId
getIa() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getIa() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getIa() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
getIc() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetAId
getIconHeight() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FCheckBox.FCheckBoxIcon
getIconId(Creature, Fourmi) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Return an icon id.
getIconImage(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Return an icon image.
getIconImage(Creature, Fourmi) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Return an icon image.
getIconImage(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Return an IconImage.
getIconWidth() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FCheckBox.FCheckBoxIcon
getId() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getId() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getId() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.IEspece
getId() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getId() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
getId() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetAId
getId() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
getIdMovingObject() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
getIdSpecies() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getIdTh() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
getIEspeceById(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GIEspece
Return a species.
getIEspeceParAllea(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GIEspece
Return a random insect species id from a random number.
getImage(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Return an image from otherImages.
getImageChargement() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getImgNull() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getIndividu() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getIndividuByType(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GIndividu
Return the individu corresponding to type.
getIndividuByType(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getIndividuByType(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GIndividu
getInfo() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getInsecteById(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
getInsectePlusDeGivenFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GInsecte
return the Insecte that can give the most food.
getInsectivore() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getInstantaneousMovement() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getIntBetween(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Return an int between minValue & maxValue.
GEtiquetteJoueur - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Liste of EtiquetteJoueur.
GEtiquetteJoueur() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.GEtiquetteJoueur
Create a empty GEtiquetteJoueur.
GEtiquetteJoueur(int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.GEtiquetteJoueur
create a basic GEtiquetteJoueur with x items.
getIsDead() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getIsNeutral(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Is this consider as neutral for c ?
getIsTurnEnded() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getJcc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelColorChooser
getJcc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
getJcc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getJoueur() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getJoueur() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getJoueurById(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Return the player that match this id.
getJoueurById(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getJoueurById(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
getJoueurHumain() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Return non AI player.
getKeepFilesRotated() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getKeepFilesRotated() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getKey(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getKeyboardKey() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Return the shortcut key as a String.
getLancer() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
getLanguage() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getLanguage() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getLastCheckedVersion() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getLastTurnEnd() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getLaunchButton() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelLanceurPartie
getLaunchingFromSave() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getLeft() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getLen() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getLineImage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Return a text image.
getList() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.MapPath
getListeImage(Liste<BufferedImage>) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Return a small image from a list of images.
getListeJoueur() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getLoadingDuringMenus() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getLoadingDuringMenus() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getLonTotal() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getLookedCCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
getLookedCCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
getLookedCCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Return the value of the looked CCase.
getLookedCCase() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Return the value of the looked CCase.
getLookedCCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Return the value of the looked CCase.
getLookedCCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
getLoopArrow() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getMap() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getMap() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getMapName() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
getMaxAction() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getMaxAction() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getMaxAge() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getMaxAge() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getMaxAge(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getMaxAgeIndividu() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
return the max age for an Individu with stade=0 (imago) & individu already define.
getMaxAgeIndividu(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
return the max age for an Individu depending of Espece & stade.
getMaxFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getMaxFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getMaxFood(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getMaxHealth() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getMaxMessageDisplay() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getMaxMessageDisplay() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getMenu() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
getMessage() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getMiellativore() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getMode() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getModeFPS() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getMoveMode() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
True if in moveMode.
getMoveMode() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
True if in moveMode.
getMovingCaseByTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.MapPath
getMovingCost() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getMovingCost() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getMovingCost() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getMovingObjectLocation(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
getMovingObjectRotation(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
getMp() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getMultiplicateurDeDiff() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
return the difficulty multiplier.
getMusicImage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelIngameMenu
Return a music image.
getName() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getName() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getName() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getName() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
getName() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
getNbrBouton() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
getNbrDeFourmi() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getNbrDeJoueur() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getNbrDeJoueurDansLaPartie() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getNbrDeJoueurHumain() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
getNbrDeJoueurVivant() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Return the number of player still alive.
getNbrDElementSurCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Returns The number of element on this..
getNbrDeTour() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getNbrDeTour() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getNbrDIa() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
getNbrDIndividuMax() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getNbrDInsecteAuDébut() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
getNbrFourmisMorte() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getNbrGcStade(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
getNbrImago() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
getNbrOuvriere() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Count worker imago.
getNbrReine() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
getNeedToStayMaxSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogue
getNétoyage() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getNextCCase(CCase, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.MapPath
get the next CCase to go to reach last Case "to".
getNextCCase(CCase, CCase) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.MapPath
get the next CCase to go to reach last Case "to".
getNiveauDeDétailDeLAffichage() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getNombreDeCreatureANetoyer(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Netoyer
getNombreDeCreatureANetoyer(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerFourmi
get number of non-100% clean ant.
getNombreDeCreatureANetoyer(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerNull
If lauch print an error.
getNomDuFichierComplet() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
getOp() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getOpenMenuFirst() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getOrientedObjectOnMap() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getOrientedObjectOnMap() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getOs() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getOuvert() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
getOuverte() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
getP() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getP() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getPa() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getPa() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPaintHitBox() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getPartie() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getPartie() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
getPartie() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChoixPartie
getPartie() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelLanceurPartie
getPartie() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
getPartieFinie() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getPartieSave(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
Load the default Partie.
getPartieTuto() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
create a new Partie to launch Tuto.
getPauseImage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMusic.FPanelMusicButton
Return a pause image.
getPb() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
getPb() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
getPc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPch() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
getPch() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPChamp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getPcp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
getPcp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPd() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
getPd() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPdi() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
getPdi() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPe() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
getPe() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPerformance() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getPGej() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
getPGej() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPh() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getPh() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getPheromone() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getPheromoneTolerence() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getPi() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getPi() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPick() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getPiFond() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getPigm() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getPigm() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPij() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getPij() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPj() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
getPj() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPlayingAnt() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getPlayingAnt() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getPlayingJoueur() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getPlayingJoueur() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getPlayingJoueur() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getPm() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
getPm() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPmmc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getPmmc() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPmmo() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
getPmmo() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPmu() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getPmu() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPnp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
getPnp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPoint() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getPoint() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getPoint() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getPointFromCase(int, int, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Return the coordinates on screen for Case with x & y.
getPolycalique() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getPositionCase() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getPositionCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getPp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameMain
getPp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getProie() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
fined a prey.
getProie() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseInsectivore
fined a prey.
getPs() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
getPs() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPsd() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
getPsd() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPseudo() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getPseudo() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getPseudo() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
getPTB() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getPText() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
getPText() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getPti() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getPti() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
getPz() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getPz() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getQuickMovement() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getR() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
getRacioEspaceLibre() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getRandomTypeInsectOnTheCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
getRandomTypeInsectOnTheCase(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GIEspece
Return a random insect species id.
getRc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
getRealisticSize() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getRealisticSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getReine() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getReine() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getReine() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
{summary Return the 1a queen of the anthill} ,or null if there is no qeen.
getRelationImage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Return a relation image.
getRep() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
getRetournerAuMenu() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getReturnButton() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
getReturnValue() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
getRigth() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getSave() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
Save getter that is able to load Save from the file if null.
getSaveName() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
Ask save name in gui.
getSaveName() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Ask a save name to the user.
getSaveName(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelEchap
Ask save name in gui.
getScaledInstance(BufferedImage[][], int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getScaledInstance(BufferedImage[][], int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Return a scaled BufferedImage [][]
getScaledInstance(BufferedImage[], int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getScaledInstance(BufferedImage[], int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Return a scaled BufferedImage []
getScaledInstance(BufferedImage, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getScaledInstance(BufferedImage, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Return a scaled BufferedImage
getScaledInstanceFromTree(FImageTree, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImageTree
Return the scaled instance of this tree.
getScore() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getScore() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
getScreenHeight() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrame
getScreenWidth() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrame
getScript() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getScript() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getScript() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ThScript
getSeedNeutralImage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Return a state image.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
getSelectedItem() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
getSelectedItemReminder() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FComboBox
getSeuilDeRisqueDInfection() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getSex() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getSex() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getSex() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
getSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getSize(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getSize(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getSizeOfMapLines() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getSizeOfMapLines() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getSortedGc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getSortedGc(Fourmi) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Returns The GCreature sorted by friendly level with an ant..
getSpaceInX() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
getSpaceInX() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
getSpaceInY() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
getSpaceInY() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
getStade() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getStateAction() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Return the state of the Creature concerning action.
getStateAge() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Return the state of the Creature concerning age.
getStateFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Return the state of the Creature concerning food.
getStateHealth() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Return the state of the Creature concerning health.
getStateHealth() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
Return the state of the Fourmi concerning health.
getStateIconImage(Color, BufferedImage) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Return a state icon image.
getStateImage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Return a state image.
getStatesIconsImages(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Return the states icons images.
getStringStade() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
return stade as a string in the good language.
getStringType() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getTActionFourmi() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmiNonIa
Return the ids of the aviable actions.
getTaille() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
getTailleDUneCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getTailleDUneCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
getTailleElementGraphique(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getTailleElementGraphiqueX(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getTailleElementGraphiqueY(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getTailleIcon() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getTailleIcon() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
getTBIState() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
getTexte() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp
getTF() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getTG() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getTHealthLost() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
getThickness() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FBorder
getThikness() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Blade
getThScript() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getTICarte() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getTImage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
getTime() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getTimeAvantDecomposition() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
getTIntDef() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
getTopColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
getTotal(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GIEspece
get total score for a typeOfCase.
getTour() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getTour() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getTransported() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getTropDeFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getType() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getType() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
getType() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getType() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
getType() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
getType() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
getTypeF() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getUneSeuleAction() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getUp() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getValidé() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp
getVc() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
getView() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getView() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel
getVisible() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelEchap
getVisiblePa() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
getVitesseDeJeu() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getVitesseDeJeu() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
getVolMusic() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getVolSon() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getWaitingForEndTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
getWarning() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getWatchingCircle() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
getWhaitBeforeLaunchGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
getWidth() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
getWidth() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
getWidth() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
getWithBackground() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
getX() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getX() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getX() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getX() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
getXBL() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.BoutonLong
getXCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
getXCentered() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
getXFromS(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
getXPi() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoText
getXPi() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTX
getY() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
getY() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
getY() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
getY() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
getYBL() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.BoutonLong
getYCase() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
getYCentered() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
getYPi() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoText
getYPi() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTX
gg - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
gg - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Liste of the Graine own by the Fourmiliere
ggi - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Liste of the Scores turn by turn of the Fourmiliere
GGraine - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
List of seeds.
GGraine() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GGraine
Main constructor.
gi - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
gie - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
GIEspece - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
List of IEspece.
GIEspece() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GIEspece
Create a new list of species from game data.
GIndividu - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
List of Individu.
GIndividu() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GIndividu
GInsecte - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
List of Insecte.
GInsecte() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GInsecte
Main constructor with 0 Insect.
GInsecte(int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GInsecte
Secondary constructor with nbrOfInsect Insect.
giu - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
givenFood - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
givenFood - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
gj - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
gj - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelFinPartie
GJoueur - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
List of players.
GJoueur() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Main constructor.
gm - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
GMessage - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
GMessage() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.GMessage
gmToGs(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GMessage
Graine - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Graine() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
Graine(CCase) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
Graine(CCase, int, byte) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
granivore - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
greyOthers - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
gs - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
gsClé - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
gui_global_animationEnable - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_global_borderButtonSize - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_global_buttonSizeAction - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_global_fontSizeText - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_global_fontSizeTitle - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_global_fontText - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_global_fontTitle - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_global_fontTitlePersonalised - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_global_fps - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_global_frameHeight - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_global_frameWidth - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_global_fullscreen - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_hide_buttonSizeTX - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_hide_buttonSizeZoom - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_hide_keepFilesRotated - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_hide_loadingDuringMenus - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_hide_modeFPS - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_hide_positionCase - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_drawAllyCreatures - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_drawBlades - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_drawEnemyCreatures - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_drawNeutralCreatures - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_drawOnlyEatable - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_drawSeeds - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_followAntAtStartTurn - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_instantaneousMovement - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_maxMessageDisplay - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_orientedObjectOnMap - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_quickMovement - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_realisticSize - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_partie_sizeOfMapLines - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_pgo_antColorLevel - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_pgo_drawAllAnthillColor - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_pgo_drawGrid - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_pgo_drawPlayerMessagePanel - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_pgo_drawRelationsIcons - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
gui_pgo_drawStatesIconsLevel - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options


handleQuit() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Launch normal exit on shutDown.
hardness - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
hardnessMax - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
hashCode() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetAId
hashCode() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
hashMapMovingObjectSurCarteAid - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
hashMapMovingObjectSurCarteAidRotation - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
haveAskToDownloadNewVersion - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
haveDoneAllActionAviable() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Return true if all Creature have played to there last action.
havePreyOnSameSquare(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Chasse
Return true if there is prey on same square.
havePreyOnSameSquare(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseGranivore
Return true if there is prey on same square.
havePreyOnSameSquare(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseHerbivore
Return true if there is prey on same square.
havePreyOnSameSquare(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseInsectivore
Return true if there is prey on same square.
havePreyOnSameSquare(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseNull
Return true if there is prey on same square.
haveSomeHelp() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourReine
Check if this ant have some help from other ant of the same anthill.
health - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
height - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
herbivore - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
hidePa() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton


i - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
i - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
ia - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
ia - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
ic - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetAId
iconImage - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
iconImage - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar
iconMap - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
iconsList - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCreatureIcons
id - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
id - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Unique id of the Fourmiliere.
id - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.IEspece
id - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
id - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
id - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetAId
id - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
id - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
id - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel
id - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
idCpt - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Counter of id
idCpt - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
idCurentFere - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
idDeployed - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelColorChooser
idDuJoueurConcerné - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
idSpecies - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
IEspece - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Save the pop probability of an Insecte.
IEspece(int[]) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.IEspece
imageIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
imageIniForNewGame - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
imageSizeComparator - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
imageTree - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
imageTreeIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
img - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
img - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
imgNull - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
imgNullIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Individu - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Individu(int, byte, boolean, boolean, byte, byte, int, String, byte, byte, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
ini - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Static class to initialize FPanel.
ini() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ini
ini() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
ini() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.IEspece
ini() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
ini() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
ini() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetAId
ini() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
ini() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogueInf
Build function.
ini() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextField
Initialize at the end of the constructor.
ini() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Initialize all the thing that need to be Initialize before using view.
ini() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Initialize all the thing that need to be Initialize before using view.
ini() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Initialize all the thing that need to be Initialize before using view.
ini() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
ini(String, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogue
ini(String, GJoueur, boolean, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelFinPartie
iniBackgroundMapImage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Create a background image from tI1 and tI2 images.
iniBeforeStart() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
Initialize before launch start function.
iniCloseButton() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrame
Personalise our close button to end game properly.
iniCloudMapImage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Create a cloud image from loading image.
iniCouleur() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
Initialize color chooser if it's needed.
iniCpt() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Initializes counter cpt of IEspece, Joueur, Fourmiliere ,ObjetAId.
iniDiscordIntergation() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Initialize the discord integration.
iniFont() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
ini font at default value for all graphics components.
iniGBlade() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Initialize GBlade back.
iniGe() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
Load the GEspece.
iniIa(int, int, Carte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
iniJoueur(int, int, Carte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
iniJoueurEtIa(Carte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
iniLabelMessage() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
Initialize the label message.
iniLangue() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Load language.
iniLaunch() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
pre launch.
iniLauncher() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Initialize the game launcher.
iniOp() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Load Options.
iniOptions() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
Initialize Options.
iniOtherImages() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Initialize all images that don't need to be resize.
iniPanel() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
It initialize the panel.
iniParametreCarteTuto() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
Initializes the tutorial parameters.
iniPch() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
iniPheromone() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
Initialize ph value for an ant.
iniProperties() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
Initialize properties of the Options.
iniRun() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
Initialize the ObjetSurCarteAId animation.
iniTBiState() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
iniTButtonColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Initialize color used by the buttons.
iniThTriche() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Initialize cheat code listener if it haven't been yet.
initialisation() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Initializes Options, key, language, time data, musique, os value.
initialisationCaseNS() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Initialize dark & cloudy squares for every players.
initialisationCaseNS() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
initialisationElément() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
initialisationElément(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
initialisationElément(int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
initialisationFX - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
initialiserPd(String, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
initializeEmptyFPanel() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ini
Initialize empty FPanel of the Menu.
initializeFPanelJeuAndSubpanel() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ini
Initialize empty FPanel of the Action game ' sub panel.
iniTour() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
initialize tour value for an ant.
iniUImanager() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameLauncher
initialize the UImanager for all ProgressBar.
iniXY() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
Initialize x & y.
Insecte - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Insecte class
Insecte() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
constructor for Insecte.
Insecte(CCase) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
constructor for Insecte.
Insecte(CCase, int, int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
Main constructor for Insecte.
insectivore - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
interestForHerbivore() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Give a score about herbivore interest for this square.
interrupt() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ThScript
To stop thread.
intField - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
inX - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.arrowAction
inX - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove.FPanelListenMove
inX - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove.FPanelListenMove
IS_UIMANAGER_INI - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameLauncher
isAI() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Return true if is own by an AI.
isAI() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
Return true if is own by an AI.
isAI() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
isAllInAutoMode() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Return true if all ant are in autoMode.
isAllInAutoModeOrHaveDoneAllAction() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Return true if all ant are in autoMode.
isAutoMode() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
isBladesEnable() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
True if grass blades are enable.
isBladesEnable() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
True if grass blades are enable.
isCaseNuageuse(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
isCaseSombre(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
isCaseVisible(Case) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Tool to save performances by drawing only visible Case.
isCaseVisible(Case, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Tool to save performances by drawing only visible Case.
isCLI() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
isCloseToMouse() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
Test if Creature is close enoth of mouse.
isDead - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
isDead() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
isFlying() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
isGreyOthers() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
isHungry(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
check if this is hungry.
isIa() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
isImago() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
isIni() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
isInterrupted() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ThScript
Used by the script to know if it should stop himself.
isLaunchFromLauncher() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
isMultiplayer() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
isOn() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelEchap
isOpen() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
isSolo() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
isSombre(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
return true if case in x,y is sombre.
isTurnEnded - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
isYellow - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
ItemState() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur.ItemState
ItemState2() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur.ItemState2
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur.ItemState


jcc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
jeu() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
jl - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
jl2 - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
jouer() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Let all ant play.
jouer() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Play as an ant.
jouer() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Play for every players.
jouer() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
jouerE() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Play as an ant.
joueur - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Player that own this
Joueur - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Joueur(int, boolean, Carte) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
Joueur(int, boolean, String, Carte) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
Joueur(Fourmiliere, String, boolean) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
jtf - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
jtfDesc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie


k - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
k - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
key - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur.ItemState2
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur.ItemState2
keys - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
Key file that will launch all keys commands in gui2d.
keys() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.keys
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur.ItemState2
kIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove


l - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameLauncher.FPanelLauncher
label - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCreatureIcons
labelMessage - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
lancer - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
lastTurnEnd - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
launch() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Launch in the void main if there is not other args than -something (ex : -d).
launchButton - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelLanceurPartie
launchFrameRefresh() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Launch refrech of main Frame.
launchFromLauncher - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
launchFromPm - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
launchGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
launchingFromSave - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
launchOptions - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Launch options at Launch of the game.
launchOptions() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
launchOptionsMajor(String[]) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
Launch a major options without launching game.
launchOptionsMinor(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
Launch a "-" options with the game.
launchScript() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
lay() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourReine
Lay egg as a queen ant.
legend - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
legendToString() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
Return the legend as a String.
length - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Blade
length() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Blade
length() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
return the number of Case.
length() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Returns The number of element on this..
length() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
length() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
length() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo
Return number of sub Panel.
length() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoText
lenTButtonColor - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
lineSize - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn
list - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
list - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMoveManager
listSave() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
make a list with all save in a [] and return it.
loadBackgroundPAI() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Load backgroundPAI
loadBackgroundPAS() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Load backgroundPAS
loadEspeces() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GEspece
Load all species from game data.
loadGraphics() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Load graphics during menu time.
loadIEspeces() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GIEspece
Load all IEspece from game data.
loadImageChargement() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Load a loading image for FPanelChargement.
loadIndividus() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GIndividu
Load the individu from a File.
loadingImage - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
loadingMessage(String, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Print a loading message.
loadingMessage(String, int) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Print a loading message.
loadingMessage(String, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Print a loading message.
loadingMessage(String, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
loadPnpImage(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Load the FPanelNouvellePartie images if they aren't load yet.
loadScript(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Script
Load the script if it is in rep/levels/.
lock - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
lon - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
lonTotal - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
lookedCCase - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
lookedCCase - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
loopArrow - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
loopSafety - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
lp - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo.FPanelInfoBuilder
lp - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo
lPanelToMove - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
lPanelToMove - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
lToRemove - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton


main(String[]) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Lauch the game.
Main - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Launch class.
Main() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
makeUserChooseInt(int, int, String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Make user choose an int in [min, max].
makeUserChooseInt(int, int, String) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Make user choose an int in [min, max].
makeUserChooseOnArray(String[], String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Make user choose in a String array.
makeUserChooseOnArray(String[], String) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Make user choose in a String array.
makeUserChooseOnArray(String[], String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Make user choose in a String array.
manger() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseHerbivore
Eat as an herbivore.
map - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
mapLineToString(CCase, Joueur) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
Return a line of a map as a String.
mapList() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
Do a list of the maps.
mapName - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
mapo - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
MapPath - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Path for map move.
MapPath(CCase, CCase) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.MapPath
Main constructor that build the path.
mapToMapString() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
Return the map as a String easy to use.
mapToString() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
Return the map as a String.
margin - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelRoundButtonsContainer
MAX_MOVING_SPEED - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
MAX_STARTING_Y - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
MAX_Y - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
maxAction - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
maxAction - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
maxAge - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
maxFood - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
maxIndividus - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
maxMassMovable - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
maxVisibleHeight - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar
menu - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
menuLoadAGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Load the save load menu.
menuLoadAGame() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Load the save load menu.
menuLoadAGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Load the game load menu.
menuLoadAGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
menuMain() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Load main menu.
menuMain() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Load main menu.
menuMain() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Load main menu.
menuMain() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
menuName - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
menuNewGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Load new game menu.
menuNewGame() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Load new game menu.
menuNewGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Load new game menu.
menuNewGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
menuOptions() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
options menu.
menuOptions() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
options menu.
menuOptions() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Load the options menu.
menuOptions() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
menuPersonaliseAGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
personalise a game menu.
menuPersonaliseAGame() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
personalise a game menu.
menuPersonaliseAGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
personalise a game menu.
menuPersonaliseAGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
message - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
message - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelFinPartie
message - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal.ThreadMessagesDesc
message(String, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Print a message.
message(String, boolean) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Print a message.
message(String, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Print a message.
message(String, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
Message - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Message(String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
Message(String, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
Message(String, int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
Message(String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
Message(String, int, String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
Message(String, String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
messageDesc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar
messageMort(Fourmi) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
messageMort(Fourmi, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
messageMort(Fourmi, int, Creature) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
miellativore - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
MIN_Y - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
mode - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
modeCLI - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
monogyne - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
mooveToMouse() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
Move closer to the mouse at max speed.
mourir - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
mourir() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
mourir(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
mourir(Creature, int) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Mourir
mourir(Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.MourirFourmi
Kill an ant an print a message.
mourir(Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.MourirInsecte
Died without beeing eated.
mourir(Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.MourirNull
If lauch print an error.
Mourir - Interface in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
MourirFourmi - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Ant implementation.
MourirFourmi() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.MourirFourmi
MourirInsecte - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Insect implementation.
MourirInsecte() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.MourirInsecte
MourirNull - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
A null implementation.
MourirNull() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.MourirNull
mourirOuPas(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
check if this should died of reason x.
mourrir() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp.BoutonV
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar.FPanelProgressBarMouseListener
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.MouseListenerEmpty
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.DescMouseMotionListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp.BoutonV
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar.FPanelProgressBarMouseListener
Update message description.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.MouseListenerEmpty
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp.BoutonV
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar.FPanelProgressBarMouseListener
Remove message description.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.MouseListenerEmpty
MouseListenerEmpty - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A mouse listener that do nothing.
MouseListenerEmpty() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.MouseListenerEmpty
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.DescMouseMotionListener
Update mouse location to hide the message.
mouseMovedUpdate(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
mouseMovedUpdate(CCase, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp.BoutonV
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar.FPanelProgressBarMouseListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.MouseListenerEmpty
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonLink
Open the corresponding URL.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonPGO
Update color at every clics.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp.BoutonV
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar.FPanelProgressBarMouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.MouseListenerEmpty
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar.FMouseWheelListener
Function call when mouse wheel is moved.
move(ObjetSurCarteAId, CCase, CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Move ObjetSurCarteAId.
move(ObjetSurCarteAId, CCase, CCase) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
move ObjetSurCarteAId.
move(ObjetSurCarteAId, CCase, CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
move ObjetSurCarteAId.
move(ObjetSurCarteAId, CCase, CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
moveAllSubPanel(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
Move all sub panel in x & y.
moveAllSubPanel(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
Move all sub panel in x & y.
moveAngleTo(double) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
Move angle to the new angle value, but slowly.
moveMode - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
movePlayingAnt(MouseEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
Move the playing ant to selected Case.
movingCaseByTurn - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.MapPath
mp - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
mp - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelFinPartie
music() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
Do sounds or music test.
musicDesc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMusic


name - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
name - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Script
nbItemPerLine(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.chargerCarte
return the number of items per line in a String [] from a .csv file.
nbLineNonEmpty(String[]) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.chargerCarte
return the number of lines in a Sring [] from a .csv file.
nbrDeBouton - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
nbrDeBoutonMax - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
nbrDeCaseAffichableX() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
nbrDeCaseAffichableY() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
nbrDeCaseVoisine() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
nbrDeCommande - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
nbrDeDesc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoText
nbrDeJoueurDansLaPartie - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
nbrDeTour - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
nbrFourmisMorte - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Number of died ant.
nbrFourmisMortePlus1() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
nbrPrintableCase(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Tool to calculate the number of printable case on this Panel.
nbrToChiffre(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
needToBeBuild - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer
needToDraw(Creature) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Return true if we need to draw Creature depending of the Options.
needToDrawAnthillColor(Case, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
return true if we need to draw the color of the anthill.
needToInitialize - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
needToSetPaNullWhenActionDone - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
needToStayMaxSize - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogue
needToStop - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.ThScript
needToTakeCareOfBrood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourReine
Check if this ant need to feed/protect/clean some egg, larva or nympha.
needToUpdateActivity - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.DiscordIntegration
needToUpdateTimeFromLastMove - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal.ThreadMessagesDesc
needToWait - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove.ThMoveSubPanel
needToWait - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove.ThMoveSubPanel
needToWaitForGameLaunch - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
needToWaitToLetNonQueenAntPlay() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourReine
Wait to be the last ant to play.
net - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerFourmi
netoyer - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
netoyer() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
netoyer(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
netoyer(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Netoyer
netoyer(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerFourmi
A non-AI ant want to clean.
netoyer(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerNull
If lauch print an error.
netoyer(Creature, Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Netoyer
netoyer(Creature, Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerFourmi
An ant clean a Creature.
netoyer(Creature, Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerNull
If lauch print an error.
Netoyer - Interface in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
netoyerChoix() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerFourmi
Let a player choose the ant that he want to clean.
NetoyerFourmi - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Ant implementation.
NetoyerFourmi() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerFourmi
netoyerIa() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
netoyerIa(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Netoyer
netoyerIa(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerFourmi
An AI ant want to clean.
netoyerIa(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerNull
If lauch print an error.
NetoyerNull - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
A null implementation.
NetoyerNull() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerNull
netoyerPrivate() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.NetoyerFourmi
do the real cleaning action between cible ant net.
newBlade(byte) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Blade
Return a new Blade of given type.
newDefaultOptions() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
Builder with only default properties.
newFIntField(int, int, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FIntField
Create an editable int field.
niveauDeDétailDeLAffichage - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
niveauDeDétailDeLAffichage - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
niveauDeLimitationDesinsectes - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
nom - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
note - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
numberOfTic - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove


o - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder.FPanelObjetAId
o - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
ObjetAId - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Basic class for all Object with an id.
ObjetAId() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetAId
Main constructor.
ObjetSurCarteAId - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
ObjetSurCarteAId() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetSurCarteAId
ObjetSurCarteAId(CCase) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetSurCarteAId
objetSurCarteAIdToString(ObjetSurCarteAId) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
objetSurCarteAIdToString(ObjetSurCarteAId, boolean) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
Return a String representing the ObjetSurCarteAId in param.
oneStep() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
Do a step of the ObjetSurCarteAId animation.
onNotOkButtonPress() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Action of a not OK Button.
op - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Use only after iniOp().
openMenuFirst - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Options - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Options class.
Options() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
optionToProperties() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
tranform properties into Options var.
otherImages - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Contains all not resize image.
ouvert - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
ouverte - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine


p - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
p - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
p - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
pa - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
pa - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
pa - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
pai - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
paint() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Refrech actual view without constant fps.
paint() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Refrech actual view.
paint() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Refrech actual view.
paint() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
paintAutoButton() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
Change default color for auto mode buttons.
paintBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FBorder
main function that paint the border.
paintBorder(Graphics2D) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Draw border.
paintBorder(Graphics2D, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
To draw component.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonPGO
Paint function.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
Paint function with a debug tool.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel
Paint function with a debug tool.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelActionInf
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelActionSup
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Main paint function for Map.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
Draw this if partie is running.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChoixPartie
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCreatureIcons
Paint every icon & the FLabel.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogueInf
Paint function.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelEchap
standard paint methode.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelFinPartie
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelGEtiquetteJoueur
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo
Standard paintComponent.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoCreature
Standard paintComponent.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder.FPanelObjetAId
Paint this with a border, a centered image & a small colored round.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature
Standard paintComponent.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMap
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn
Draw function for the FButton.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar
Paint component: FProgressBar & icon image.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
Paint nothing.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSupDialog
Paint nothing.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTX
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelZoom
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextArea
Paint function with a debug tool.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextPane
Paint function with a debug tool.
paintGUI() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Refrech actual view with constant fps.
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FCheckBox.FCheckBoxIcon
Main function that draw a box & a check if checked is true.
paintOnG(Graphics) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoGCreature.FPanelInfoGCreatureBuilder.FPanelObjetAId
Paint this with a border, a centered image & a small colored round.
params - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.DiscordIntegration
Partie - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
All informations about a Game in the Game Formiko.
Partie() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
Constructor with only minimal initialization.
Partie(int, int, Carte, double) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
partie_autoCleaning - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
partieFinie - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
pas - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
path - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.MapPath
PATH_TO_JSON - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.createBadges
pauseActionGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Stop game and print the escape menu.
pauseActionGame() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Stop game and print the escape menu.
pauseActionGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Stop game and print the escape menu.
pauseActionGame() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
pb - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameLauncher.FPanelLauncher
pb - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
pb - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar
pb - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTX
pc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
pcf - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
pch - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
pchamp - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
pcp - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
pd - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
pdi - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
pe - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
peintCaseNuageuse(int, int, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw cloud Case.
peintImagePourCase(Case, int, int, Graphics2D) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Draw a Case.
peintImagePourCase(Case, Graphics2D) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
peintImagePourCase(GCase, int, int, Graphics2D) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
personalise() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FComboBox
personalise colors.
Personalite - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Personalite() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Personalite
pfp - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
pgej - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
pgejContainer - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
pgo - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer
ph - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Pheromone - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Pheromone() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
Pheromone(byte, byte, byte) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
Pheromone(int, int, int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
Pheromone(Pheromone) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
Pheromone(Pheromone, byte) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
Pheromone(String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
pheromoneTolerence - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
phToColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
phToS() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
pi - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
pi - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
pi - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelFinPartie
pick - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
piGc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
pigm - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
pij - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
pj - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
pl - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameLauncher
pl - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
placeButtons() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Place all buttons & add it to this.
playingAnt - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
playingJoueur - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
plusieurMouvement(Creature, CCase) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Deplacement
plusieurMouvement(Creature, CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementFourmi
make as much moove as we can/need to a defined Case.
plusieurMouvement(Creature, CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementNull
If lauch print an error.
plusQu1Joueur() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Return true if there is less that 2 player alive.
pm - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
pmm - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer
pmmc - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
pmmo - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
pmu - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
pmub - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMusic
pnp - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
polycalic - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
pondre - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
pondre() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
pondre() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.PondreReine
Lay an egg.
Pondre - Interface in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
PondreNull - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
A null implementation.
PondreNull() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.PondreNull
PondreReine - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Ant queen implementation.
PondreReine() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.PondreReine
popUpMessage(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Print a message in a new window.
popUpMessage(String) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Print a message in a new window.
popUpMessage(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Print a message in a new window.
popUpMessage(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
popUpQuestion(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Print a question in a new window.
popUpQuestion(String) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Print a question in a new window.
popUpQuestion(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Print a question in a new window.
popUpQuestion(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
popUpQuestionYN(String) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
popUpQuestionYN(String, boolean) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
popUpQuestionYN(String, boolean, CheckFunction) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Print a question in a new window.
popUpQuestionYN(String, boolean, CheckFunction) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Print a yes/no question in a new window.
popUpQuestionYN(String, boolean, CheckFunction) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Print a question in a new window.
popUpQuestionYN(String, boolean, CheckFunction) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
pp - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameMain
PPBML - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar
prendreEnCompteLaDifficulté() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Initialize difficulty initial concequence for every players.
prendreEnCompteLaDifficulté() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
preTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Actualise Creature c before the turn.
preTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Before that ants play they all have a pre-turn update (gc.preTurn()).
preTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
reset action before the turn of all the ant.
preTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GInsecte
Play pre-turn of insects.
preTurn(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourCreatureMorte
preTurn(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourCreatureSansAction
preTurn(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourNull
If lauch print an error.
preTurnE() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
reset action before the turn of all the ant.
printActionMenu() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Print all action aviable in a menu.
printArray() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Print tToPrint.
printFereInColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Print anthill of the playing ant.
printMap() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Print map of the actual Partie.
printMemUse() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
Print data about memory use.
printPanelInfo() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Tool to print mains FPanelx infos.
printScreenSize() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
Print available screen size.
printVersion() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
Print game, data, music versions.
properties - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
propertiesToOptions() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
tranform properties into Options var.
ps - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
psd - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
pseudo - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
pseudo(String[]) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
change pseudo of the player.
ptb - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
pText - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
pti - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
pz - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton


question(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Print a question box.
questionYN(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Print a yes/no question box.
questionYN(String, boolean) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Print a yes/no question box.
questionYN(String, boolean, CheckFunction) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Print a yes/no question box.
queue - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
quit() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
quit() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrame
Function to end game properly.
quit(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Try to exit normally.
quitter() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main


r - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
racioTourParJour - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
To avoid too long parties, there is x day passing in 1 turn concidering realistic values.
radius - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelRoundButtonsContainer
rafraichirPgej() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
rand - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Blade
rand - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelColorChooser
randomColorButton - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelColorChooser
rapidité - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Personalite
rbtCmd(String[]) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
trim the image from args.
reconnaissanceAllié - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Personalite
reconnaissanceNeutre - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Personalite
remove(ThMove) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMoveManager
remove(Component) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel
Remove a component if not null.
remove(Object) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.GEtiquetteJoueur
remove an Item & disableLaunchButtonIfNeeded.
removeBlades(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Initialize GBlade back.
removeBlades(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GBlade
remove blades.
removeBSuivant() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogueInf
remove the FButton "next".
removeFoodInsecte(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
remove x foodInsecte.
removeFoodInsecte(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
removeMovingObject(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
removeP() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Remove FPanelNouvellePartie & FPanelChoixPartie.
removePa() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
removePA() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
removePch() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
removePChamp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
removePcp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Remove FPanelChoixPartie & set it to null.
removePd() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
removePfp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
removePi() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
removePigm() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
Remove the FPanelIngameMenu.
removePij() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
removePj() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
removePm() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
removePmu() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
Remove the FPanelMusic.
removePnp() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Remove FPanelNouvellePartie & set it to null.
removePTB() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
removePti() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
removePz() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
Remove the FPanelZoom.
removes() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
REP - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
repaint() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
reproduce() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourInsecte
retirerBouton() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Remove all button.
retournerAuMenu - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
retournerAuMenu() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
go back to main menu.
returnButton - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
returnValue - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
rotate - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
rotateAngle - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
run() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Th
run() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ThScript
Main methode to launch script.
run() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ThTriche
run() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCheckFunction
Update checked boolean & run function.
run() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove.ThMoveSubPanel
Main methode that make sub panel move.
run() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
Update the position of animate item on the menu screen.
run() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn.ThreadColor
Main function that call changeColor.
run() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove.ThMoveSubPanel
Main methode that make sub panel move.
run() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal.ThreadMessagesDesc
Main function that update message if needed every 50ms.
run() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMoveManager
Do all the moving animation.
run() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.TimerTaskViewGUI2d
Simple run methode that do nothing.
runAway() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Run away if a predator is next to you.
running - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu


salir() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
un-clean this.
sauvegarder(Partie, String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
Save a Partie.
sauvegarderUnePartie - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Save a game.
sauvegarderUnePartie() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
save - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
saveDeflautProperties() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
Save default properties.
saveOp() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
Save Options.
saveOp(boolean) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
saveOptions() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
saveOptions(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
Save Options.
saveProperties() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
Save properties of the Options.
scannerAnswer - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
scoreToGString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Return score of every player as a GString.
scoreToString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
scr - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.ThScript
script - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
script() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Script
Load the script then launch it.
Script - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Script class used to do levels.
Script(String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Script
SCROLL_BAR_MAX - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar
SCROLL_BAR_SIZE - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar
scrollBar - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar
sendMessageSaveFail() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
sendMessageSaveWork() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
sep - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.BoutonLong
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel
setAction(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setAction(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setAction(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
Update action & update view.
setAction0AndEndTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Force all the GCreature Creature to end there turn.
setAction0AndEndTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
end turn of every players.
setAction0AndEndTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
setActionB(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
setActionF(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
Setter that notify playing ant in case it was waiting for an action to be choose.
setActionMoins(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setActionMoins(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Chasse
Lower creature actions count.
setActionMoinsDéplacement() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementFourmi
remove some action to the moving Creature
setActionTo0() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setAffG(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setAge(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setAgePlus1() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setAllActionDone(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn
change color of the button depending of player's actions left.
setAllActionDone(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer
Shortcut for fBEndTurn.
setAllowPanelsOnSameLine(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo.FPanelInfoBuilder
setAnimationEnable(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setAntColorLevel(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setAntIdToPlay(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setAppartionGraine(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setAppartionInsecte(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setAutoCleaning(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setAvancementChargement(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setAviableSpecies(int[]) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setB(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
setBActionHaveChange(boolean) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
Setter that notify playing ant in case it was waiting for an action to be choose.
setBladeChanged(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
setBMusic(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
Update this value & MusicPlayer one.
setBorderButtonSize(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setBordure(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
setBounds(int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
setBounds(int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextField
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Overrided setter to update if button should be selected.
setBSon(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setButtonRetryVisible(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameLauncher
setButtonRetryVisible(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Hide or show buttonRetry of FFrameLauncher.
setbuttonSize(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
setbuttonSizeAction(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setbuttonSizeTX(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setbuttonSizeZoom(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setC(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseHerbivore
setC(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseInsectivore
setCaseNuageuse(int, int, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
setCasesNuageuses(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
setCaseSombre(int, int, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
setCasesSombres(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
setCc(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Move the anthill from a case to an other.
setCc(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetSurCarteAId
setCCase(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetSurCarteAId
setCCase(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Move the Creature from a case to an other.
setCCase(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
setCCase(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
Move the Graine from a case to an other.
setCCase(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetSurCarteAId
setCCase(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
setCentered() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
setCFond(Color) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
setCFondUseAlpha(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
setChoixId(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
setCmdSuivante(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Script
setColor(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
setColor(Color) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FBorder
setColor(Color) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelColorChooser
Set color & update color dependent component.
setContenu(Case) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
setContinuerLeJeu(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setCurentFPS(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
setCutWings(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
setData(Data) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setDateFormat(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setDefaultColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Swap color between green & yellow.
setDefaultColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonPGO
Swap color between green & yellow or other one if colorId have been set.
setDesc(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
setDescTI(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
setDescTI(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelJeu
setDifficulté(byte) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setDifficulté(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setDifficulté(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setDirection(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetSurCarteAId
setDiscordRP(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setDownloadingMessage(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameLauncher
setDownloadingMessage(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Update downloading message.
setDownloadingMessage(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Update downloading message.
setDownloadingValue(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrameLauncher
setDownloadingValue(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Update downloading %age.
setDrawAllAnthillColor(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setDrawAllyCreatures(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setDrawDrawBlades(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setDrawEnemyCreatures(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setDrawGrid(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setDrawNeutralCreatures(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setDrawOnlyEatable(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setDrawPlayerMessagePanel(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setDrawRelationsIcons(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setDrawSeeds(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setDrawStatesIconsLevel(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setEcouteClic(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Script
setEj(EtiquetteJoueur) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur.ItemState
setEj(EtiquetteJoueur) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur.ItemState2
setElément(int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
Enable or disable this & all sub component.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn
setEnabled that also hide button if disable.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FPanelGraphicsOptions
Enable or disable this & all sub component.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelZoom
Enable or disable this & all sub component.
setEnCours(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setEndTurnAuto(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setError(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setEspece(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setEspece(Espece) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setEspece(Espece) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
set type & Espece.
setF(Fourmi) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
setFbetEnabled(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer
Shortcut for fBEndTurn.
setFemelle(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setFemelle(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
setFemelle(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
setFere(Fourmiliere) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
setFere(Fourmiliere) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
setFirstGame(boolean) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setFolder(FFolder) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setFolder(FFolder) - Static method in class fr.formiko.fusual.FFolder
setFollowAntAtStartTurn(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setFondTransparent() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
setFondTransparent() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextField
setFont1(Font) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setFont1(Font) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setFont2(Font) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setFont2(Font) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setFontSizeText(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setFontSizeTitle(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setFontText() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
setFontText() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextField
setFontText(Font) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
setFontText(Font) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
setFontText(Font) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextField
setFontText(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setFontTitle(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setFontTitlePersonalised(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setFood(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setfoodEatable(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
setfoodEatable(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
setFoodInsecte(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Update to x foodInsecte.
setFoodInsecte(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
setFoodInsecteMax(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
setFoodInsecteParTour(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
setFoodMoins1() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setFoodMoinsConsomFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
setForceQuit(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setFourmiliere(Fourmiliere) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
setFourmiliere(Fourmiliere) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
setFps(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setFrameHeight(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setFrameWidth(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setFullscreen(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setG(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
setGc(GCreature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
setGej(GEtiquetteJoueur) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setGg(GGraine) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
setGi(GInsecte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setGie() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
setGIndividu(GIndividu) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
setGivenFood(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setGivenFood(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
setGj(GJoueur) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setGreen() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn.ThreadColor
setGreyOthers(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
setHardness(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
setHardness(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
setHardnessMax(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
setHealth(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setHealth(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setIa(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
setIa(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
setIdCurentFere(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
setImageIniForNewGame(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
setInfo(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setInstantaneousMovement(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setIsDead(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setIsTurnEnded(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
Setter that notify playing ant in case it was waiting for an action to be choose.
setIsYellow(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
setJoueur(Joueur) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
setKeepFilesRotated(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setLancer(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
setLanguage(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
Set language of Options & Locale.
setLanguage(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setLanguage(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setLastCheckedVersion(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setLastTurnEnd(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setLaunchFromLauncher(boolean) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Update the boolean & every value that depend of it.
setLaunchFromPm(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
setLaunchingFromSave(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setLength(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Blade
setLienFere() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
setLienFere(Fourmiliere) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
setLigne(Graphics2D) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
setLoadingDuringMenus(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setLocation(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Overrided setter to update if button should be selected.
setLocationSubPanel(FPanel, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
Set location of a sub panel in x & y.
setLocationSubPanel(FPanel, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
Set location of a sub panel in x & y.
setLookedCCase(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
setLookedCCase(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
setLookedCCase(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Change the value of the loked Case.
setLookedCCase(CCase) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Change the value of the looked CCase.
setLookedCCase(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Change the value of the loked Case.
setLookedCCase(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
setMap(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
Load GCase from a file.
setMaxAction(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setMaxAge(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setMaxFood(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setMaxMessageDisplay(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setMaxVisibleHeight(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar
setMenu(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Update action of the menu buttons.
setMenu(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Update action of the menu buttons.
setMenu(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
set a new Menu as curent menu.
setMessage(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setMessage(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal.ThreadMessagesDesc
setMessageChargement(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Print on the window a message about game loading.
setMessageDesc(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar
setMessageDesc(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
set the description message.
setMessageDesc(String, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
set the description message.
setMode(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
setMode(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
setModeCLI(boolean) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setModeFPS(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setMoveMode(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
setMoveMode(boolean) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Default fontion to move.
setMoveMode(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
Default fontion to move.
setNbrDeTour(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setNbrDeTour(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setNbrFourmisMorte(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
setNeedToSetPaNullWhenActionDone(boolean) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
setNeedToUpdateActivity(boolean) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.DiscordIntegration
setNextPlayingAnt(Fourmi) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Define this as the next playing ant.
setNom(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.BoutonLong
set nom & update font if it can't print all the char.
setNom(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
setOrientedObjectOnMap(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setOs(Os) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setOuvert(Boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
setOuverte(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
setOver(boolean, boolean, double) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
Launch or stop move in thread.
setOver(boolean, boolean, double) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
Launch or stop move in thread.
setP(Point) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
setPaintHitBox(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setPartie(Partie) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setPartie(Partie) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
setPartieFinie(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setPartieTutoInMain() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setPerformance(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setPh(Pheromone) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setPheromone(byte, byte, byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setPheromone(int, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setPheromone(Pheromone) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setPheromone(Pheromone) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
Set Pheromone for all the Ants of the player.
setPheromoneTolerence(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setPlayingAnt(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
change the value of the playing ant with and id.
setPlayingAnt(Fourmi) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setPlayingAnt(Fourmi) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
change the value of the playing ant.
setPlayingAnt(Fourmi) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
set playing ant.
setPlayingAnt(Fourmi) - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
set playing ant.
setPlayingAnt(Fourmi) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
set playing ant.
setPlayingAnt(Fourmi) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
A null view action that do nothing.
setPlayingJoueur(Joueur) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
setPolycalique(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
setPos(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
setPositionCase(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setPseudo(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
setPseudo(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setPseudo(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
setPti(FPanelTInt) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
setQuickMovement(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setR(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
setRandomColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelColorChooser
Set color to a random color.
setRealisticSize(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setRealisticSize(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setRetournerAuMenu(boolean) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setReturnButtonAction(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Update returnButton with a new action.
setReturnValue(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
setRunning(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
setS(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
setSave(Save) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
setScript(ThScript) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setScript(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setScrollBarValue(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar
Update scrollBar value with only possible value.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Set the button selected or not.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonLink
Set the button selected or not.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonPGO
set the button selected or not.
setSelected(boolean, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
set the button selected or not.
setSelectionBackground(Color) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FComboBox
setSelectionBackground to sub component of this FComboBox.
setSize(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
setSize(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
setSize(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Overrided setter to update if button should be selected.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
setSize sould never be used.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelProgressBar
Override of set size to also set size of the FProgressBar.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar
setSizeOfMapLines(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setSpaceInX(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
setSpaceInX(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
setSpaceInY(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
setSpaceInY(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
setStade(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setStade(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
setState(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FProgressBar
Set state represent by a color.
setStepInX(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove.ThMoveSubPanel
setStepInX(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove.ThMoveSubPanel
setStepInY(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove.ThMoveSubPanel
setStepInY(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove.ThMoveSubPanel
setSubPanel(FPanel) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar
Set the sub panel & refresh location.
setTaille(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteChoix
setTailleDUneCase(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
setTailleDUneCase(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Update Case size & map.
setTailleDUneCase(int, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
Update Case size.
setTb(FButton[]) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelEchap
setText(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
setText(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCreatureIcons
Aet the text of the FLabel.
setTexte() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
set empty text
setTexte(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
set text or hide this.
setTexte(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
setThickness(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FBorder
setTopColor(Color) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
Update top color & it's pannel size.
setTour(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setTour(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setTransported(ObjetSurCarteAId) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Set as transported item o.
setTuto(boolean) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setType(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Update type & GBlade depending of type.
setType(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
set type & Espece.
setType(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
setType(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
setTypeF(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
setTypeF(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
setTypes(String[]) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
Set types for all squares from String[] as a csv file.
setUneSeuleAction() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
setUneSeuleAction(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
setView(View) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Overrided setter to update if button should be selected.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChargement
Set visible & load image if it haven't been done yet.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelDialogue
Override setVisible to also setVisible dependent FPanel.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelEchap
Set FPanelEchap visible.
setVisiblePa(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
setVisiblePmmc(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelBouton
setVitesseDeJeu(double) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
setVolMusic(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
Update this value & MusicPlayer one.
setVolSon(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setWaitingForEndTurn(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
setWarning(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setWhaitBeforeLaunchGame(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
setWithBackground(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
setX(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo.FPanelInfoBuilder
setXBL(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.BoutonLong
setXCase(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
setYBL(int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.BoutonLong
setYByElement(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo.FPanelInfoBuilder
setYCase(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
sexe - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
sexual - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
showConfirmDialog(Frame, String, boolean, CheckFunction) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Print a yes/no question box.
showMessageDialog(Frame, Component, String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
Print a message.
size - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
size - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FCheckBox.FCheckBoxIcon
sizeCase - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
sleepTime - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
slider - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
sounds_music - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
sounds_musicVolume - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
sounds_sound - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
sounds_soundVolume - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
spaceBetweenButton - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelLinks
spaceInX - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
spaceInX - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
spaceInY - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
spaceInY - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
speed - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.arrowAction
stade - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
-3=egg, -2=larva, -1=nymph, 0=imago
startCh() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
startCh(Chrono) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelColorChooser
Update dependent component & color chooser panel.
stepInX - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove.ThMoveSubPanel
stepInX - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove.ThMoveSubPanel
stepInY - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove.ThMoveSubPanel
stepInY - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove.ThMoveSubPanel
sToPh(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
stopScript() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
subPanel - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar
supplier - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonPGO
supprimer(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.sauvegarderUnePartie
Delete a save.
supprimerDeLaCarte() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
supprimerDeLaCarte(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Mourir
Delete on the map.
supprimerDeLaCarte(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.MourirFourmi
Delete the ant from the map.
supprimerDeLaCarte(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.MourirInsecte
Delet an Insect from the map.
supprimerDeLaCarte(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.MourirNull
If lauch print an error.


tActionCost - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
tailBouton - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
taille - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelNouvellePartie
taille(int, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImages
Return size of a Creature image.
taille(int, int, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImages
Return size of a Creature image.
tailleBouton - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
tailleBouton - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp
tailleBouton - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTX
tailleBouton(byte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
tranform a byte into a button size.
tailleDUneCase - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
tailleFourmi(int, int, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.images.FImages
Return size of a Creature image.
tAutoB - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
tb - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelEchap
tB - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
tBiState - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
tBoutonActif - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelAction
tButtonColor - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
tem - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
tempOp - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Use only before iniOp() to avoid nullPointerException.
tempsAvantDecomposition - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
tempsDeDébutDeJeu - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
testFinDePartie() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
testJson() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
Do some test about json file.
testSupInfEga(String[], int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
testSupInfEga(String[], Point) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
texte - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
textField - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FOptionPane
tF - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
tFIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
tG - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
tGIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
tGivenFood - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
th - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
th - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
th - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
th - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
Th - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Th(int) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.Th
tHabitat - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
thCol - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn
tHealthLost - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
thickness - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FBorder
thickness - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove
thickness - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove
ThMove - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A simple Thread extends class to move ObjetSurCarteAId.
ThMove(ObjetSurCarteAId, CCase, CCase) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
Create Thread for the ObjetSurCarteAId animation.
thMoveManager - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
ThMoveManager - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A simple Thread extends class to manage ThMove.
ThMoveManager() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMoveManager
Main constructor that initialize list.
ThMoveSubPanel() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove.ThMoveSubPanel
Main constructor.
ThMoveSubPanel() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove.ThMoveSubPanel
Main constructor.
ThreadColor() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMiniMapContainer.FButtonEndTurn.ThreadColor
ThreadMenu(FPanel) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
Main constructor.
ThreadMessagesDesc() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal.ThreadMessagesDesc
ths - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
ThScript - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
To run a level.
ThScript(String) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.ThScript
Main contructor.
thTemp1 - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
thTemp2 - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
ThTriche - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
ThTriche() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.ThTriche
tHumidity - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
ti - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTInt
tIBZoom - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
tICarte - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
tICarteIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
tIF - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
tIFIni - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
tImage - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
time - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
timeFromLastMove - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal.ThreadMessagesDesc
timeFromLastRefresh - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
timer - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
TimerTaskViewGUI2d - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
A simple TimerTask extends class with a ViewGUI2d.
TimerTaskViewGUI2d(ViewGUI2d) - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.TimerTaskViewGUI2d
Main constructor.
tMaxAge - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
tMaxFood - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
to - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
toFront() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FFrame
Function to set window in first plan.
toGc(Liste<Creature>) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Return a list with all this class functions.
toGCreature() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GInsecte
retrun this as a GCreature.
toGg(Liste<Graine>) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GGraine
Return a list with all this class functions.
toGInt() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Create a score GInt from an anthill.
toGj(Liste<Joueur>) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GJoueur
Return a list with all this class functions.
toHex() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
Return the hexadecimal code that describe this.
toHex(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
Return the hexadecimal code of an int.
topColor - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Carte
Standard toString methode.
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Return a string that describe this.
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.CCase
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Return a description of the creature.
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Return a description of the Fourmiliere.
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.IEspece
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
Return a string that describe this.
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.MapPath
Strandard toString function.
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetAId
Return a string that describe this.
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
Return a string that describe this.
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
Main function of CLIMap.
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.arrowAction
Strandard to string.
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.EtiquetteJoueur
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonLink
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanel
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo
Strandard to string function that also print child.
toString() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoText
Standard toString(), return a String that describe this.
toString(boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Return a description of the Fourmiliere.
toStringShort() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Return a short string that describe this.
toStringShort() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
Return a short string that describe this.
toStringShort() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
Return a short string that describe this.
toStringShort() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
Return a short description of the Fourmiliere.
toStringShort() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
Return a short string that describe this.
toStringShort() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.ObjetAId
Return a short string that describe this.
toTId() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
tour - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
tour - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
tour() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
tour() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GGraine
Apply tour() over every seed.
tour() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
tour() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
Do turn actions for an ant.
tour() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmiNonIa
Do turn actions for an ant.
tour() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourInsecte
Play a turn as an Insecte.
tour() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourReine
Do turn actions for a queen ant.
tour() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
Play a turn.
tour(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourCreatureSansAction
Do turn actions :
manger, grandir (age).
if Evoluer != null and age >=maxAge
if fourmi : salir
Tour - Interface in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
play a turn.
tourCases() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
Play a turn for all squares.
TourCreatureMorte - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Ant implementation.
TourCreatureMorte() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourCreatureMorte
TourCreatureSansAction - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Creature implementation.
TourCreatureSansAction() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourCreatureSansAction
TourFourmi - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Ant implementation.
TourFourmi() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
TourFourmiNonIa - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Ant implementation for real player.
TourFourmiNonIa() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmiNonIa
tourInsecte() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GInsecte
Play turn of insects.
TourInsecte - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Insect implementation.
TourInsecte() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourInsecte
tournerLesFleches() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
tournerLesFleches(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.Data
Turn the arrow for FPanelZoom.
TourNull - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
A null implementation.
TourNull() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourNull
TourReine - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Ant implementation.
TourReine() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourReine
tradCharCmd(int, String, boolean) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
Print part of printable chars.
tradCmd(String) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
Update translation.
TRANSPARENCY - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
transported - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
trich - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
triche - Class in fr.formiko.formiko
Cheat code.
triche() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.triche
trophallaxer() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
trophallaxer(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Trophallaxie
trophallaxer(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TrophallaxieFourmi
player trophallaxis
trophallaxer(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TrophallaxieNull
If lauch print an error.
trophallaxie - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
trophallaxie(int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
trophallaxie(Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
trophallaxie(Creature, int, int) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Trophallaxie
trophallaxie(Creature, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TrophallaxieFourmi
do a trophallaxis to an id
trophallaxie(Creature, int, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TrophallaxieNull
If lauch print an error.
trophallaxie(Creature, Creature, int) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Trophallaxie
trophallaxie(Creature, Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TrophallaxieFourmi
make a trophallaxis.
trophallaxie(Creature, Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TrophallaxieNull
If lauch print an error.
Trophallaxie - Interface in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
TrophallaxieFourmi - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
Ant implementation.
TrophallaxieFourmi() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TrophallaxieFourmi
TrophallaxieNull - Class in fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces
A null implementation.
TrophallaxieNull() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TrophallaxieNull
tSize - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
tTemperatureExt - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
tTemperatureInt - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece
tToPrint - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
tuer(Insecte) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.ChasseInsectivore
kill during hunt.
tuto - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
type - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
1=grass, 2=moss, 3=sand
type - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.GBlade
type - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Graine
type - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Individu
typeDeMessage - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Message
typeF - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
It can be 0: ♀, 1: ♂, 2: Minor, 3: Medium (☿), 4:Major, 5:soldier 6+:other type.


unePonte(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Pondre
unePonte(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.PondreNull
If lauch print an error.
unePonte(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.PondreReine
Lay an egg with Creature c
uneSeuleAction - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
unMouvement(Creature, boolean) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Deplacement
unMouvement(Creature, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementFourmi
make a move.
unMouvement(Creature, boolean) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementNull
If lauch print an error.
unMouvement(Creature, int) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Deplacement
unMouvement(Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementFourmi
make a moove in a defined direction.
unMouvement(Creature, int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementNull
If lauch print an error.
unMouvement(Creature, Case) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Deplacement
unMouvement(Creature, Case) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementFourmi
make a move to a defined Case.
unMouvement(Creature, Case) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementNull
If lauch print an error.
unMouvement(Creature, CCase) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Deplacement
unMouvement(Creature, CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementFourmi
make a move to a defined Case.
unMouvement(Creature, CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementNull
If lauch print an error.
unMouvementAlléa() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementFourmi
make a random moove.
unMouvementVolontaire(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementFourmi
make a willing moove.
unPas(int) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementFourmi
Move to a next Case.
unPas(CCase) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.DeplacementFourmi
Move to a next Case.
unseeableChar - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
unTour(Creature) - Method in interface fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.Tour
play a turn.
unTour(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourCreatureMorte
PLay 1 turn with Creature c.
unTour(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourCreatureSansAction
PLay 1 turn with Creature c.
unTour(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourFourmi
PLay 1 turn with Creature f.
unTour(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourInsecte
PLay 1 turn with Creature c.
unTour(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.interfaces.TourNull
If lauch print an error.
up - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.arrowAction
up - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMapMove.FPanelListenMove
up - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPanelMove.FPanelListenMove
updateActivity() - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.DiscordIntegration
updateBorderColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Update the border color.
updateCaseSN() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCreature
Update Black and cloud Case.
updateCaseSN() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Joueur
updateColor() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonPGO
Update color depending of supplier return value.
updateColorButtonEscape() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelIngameMenu
Update the color of the button escape.
updateColorButtonPause() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMusic.FPanelMusicButton
Update the color of the button pause.
updateColorButtonPause() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMusic
updateDataVersion(String[]) - Static method in class fr.formiko.formiko.launchOptions
Set value of data to last version in version.json.
updateFont() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Options
update the 2 font.
updateFoodInsecte() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Case
Update foodInsecte.
updateLocation() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
Update the position of animate item for 1 step.
updateMouseLocation() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.action
Do as if mouse have been update.
updateMovingCaseByTurn(Creature) - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.MapPath
updatePanelLoactionFromBar() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelScrollBar
Update panel location depending of bar value.
updateParentSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FIntField
Update parent size so that this can still fit in.
updateParentSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextField
Update parent size so that this can still fit in.
updateQueue() - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
Update the queue by launching all ThMove that can be launch.
updateSelected() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton
Set the button selected or not depending of mouse x,y.
updateSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FLabel
Update the size of this depending of text.
updateSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
updateSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMusic.FPanelMusicButton
Update panel size depending of buttons, radius, margin & music description label.
updateSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelRoundButtonsContainer
Update panel size depending of buttons, radius & margin.
updateSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
Update size to fit FPanelCarte.
updateSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextArea
Update size of this depending of text.
updateSize() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FTextField
Update the size of this depending of text.
updateSizeMax() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
Update size to max one.
updateSizeMax() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSupDialog
Update size to max one.
updateSizeMin() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSup
Update size to 0,0.
updateSizeMin() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelSupDialog
Update size to 0,0.
updateSizePmu() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMusic
Update panel size depending of buttons, radius, margin & music description label.
updateThreadMessagesDesc(String) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
Update message.
updateTimeFromLastMove() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal.ThreadMessagesDesc
updateTimeFromLastMove() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
Update time from last move in the Thread.
updateTimeFromLastRefresh() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
updateTo(CCase, int) - Static method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
Update all ThMove that need to be change if ant move a 2a time.
updateTo(Point) - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
Update the destination Point.
updateVersionLabel() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
Update the curent version print on screen.
url - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButtonLink
userWantNewVersion() - Method in class fr.formiko.fusual.FFolder
Return true if user is ok to be ask next version & answer yes.


v - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Pheromone
validatelanguage - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
validatelanguageChoice() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu
Tool to validate language to the user.
validé - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelChamp
vectRotate - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
vectX - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
vectY - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ThMove
versionLabel - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelPrincipal
view - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
View use everywere to update user interface
view - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.TimerTaskViewGUI2d
View - Interface in fr.formiko.views
Main view interface.
ViewCLI - Class in fr.formiko.views
View Console Line Interface.
ViewCLI() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.ViewCLI
ViewGUI2d - Class in fr.formiko.views.gui2d
View Graphics User Interface in 2 dimention.
ViewGUI2d() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
ViewNull - Class in fr.formiko.views
Null view. A simple view who do nothing when a view action is launch.
ViewNull() - Constructor for class fr.formiko.views.ViewNull
visible - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelEchap
vitesseDeJeu - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Partie
vole - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Espece


waitForEndTurn() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Wait for end turn if we need.
waitForEndTurn() - Method in interface fr.formiko.views.View
Wait for end turn if we need.
waitForGameLaunch() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
A loop to wait for game launch.
waitForPanelLoadDone() - Method in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.ViewGUI2d
Wait that all Thread that we need to launch game are OK.
waitingForEndTurn - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmiliere
wantClean() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
wantClean() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
return true if this whant to be clean.
wantClean() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
return true if this whant to be clean.
wantFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Creature
wantFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Fourmi
return true if this whant some food.
wantFood() - Method in class fr.formiko.formiko.Insecte
return true if this whant some food.
wantToQuit - Static variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Main
watchingCircle - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
width - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.GCase
withBackground - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FButton


x - Variable in class fr.formiko.formiko.Th
x - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo.FPanelInfoBuilder
x - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
x - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTX
xBL - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.BoutonLong
xCase - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
xi - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.cli.CLIMap
xTemp - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
xy - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCreatureIcons


y - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelMenu.ThreadMenu
y - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelTX
yBL - Static variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.BoutonLong
yByElement - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfo.FPanelInfoBuilder
yCase - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
yPi - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelInfoText
yTemp - Variable in class fr.formiko.views.gui2d.FPanelCarte
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