Class GString

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Iterable<String>, Collection<String>, List<String>

public class GString extends Liste<String> implements Serializable
Custom String Linked Liste class.
It have a lot of useful function that use fore() loop.
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Details

    • GString

      public GString(String[] t)
      Constructor from an array.
    • GString

      public GString()
  • Method Details

    • getComboBox

      public FComboBox<String> getComboBox(int x)
      Return a FComboBox with all the String in it.
      x - the default select item.
    • getComboBox

      public FComboBox<String> getComboBox()
      Return a FComboBox with all the String in it.
      1a item is selected.
    • getKey

      public String getKey(String s)
      Return the translation key for s.
      If it fail it return null.
      s - the string give by the key.
    • addParMorceaux

      public void addParMorceaux(String s, int maxLen, boolean doNotCutWord)
      Add item peace by peace.
      s - the String to split.
      maxLen - the max length for a line.
      doNotCutWord - if true word will not be cut. (If a word is too long for being in 1 line it will be cut.)
    • addParMorceaux

      public void addParMorceaux(String s, int maxLen)
      Add item peace by peace.
      s - the String to split.
      maxLen - the max length for a line.
    • afficheToi

      public void afficheToi()
      Print this.
      If is empty it will print a special mail.
    • transformerScore

      public GString transformerScore()
      Do a transformation for score.
    • compterlineDifferenteDe

      public int compterlineDifferenteDe(GString gs2)
      Count different line between this & gs2.
    • supprimerLesLignesCommunesAvec

      public void supprimerLesLignesCommunesAvec(GString gs2)
      Remove different line between this & gs2.
    • compterFct

      public GInt compterFct()
      count how much fonction and class (short or long) a GString have.
    • compterComJavadoc

      public int compterComJavadoc()
      count how much javadoc commentary a GString have.
    • compterFctEtComJavadoc

      public GInt compterFctEtComJavadoc()
      count how much javadoc commentary and fonction and class (short or long) a GString have.
    • compterFctEnDetail

      public GInt compterFctEnDetail()
      count how much class and long fonction (public, ø, protected, private) a GString have.
    • estCom

      private boolean estCom(String line)
      Return true if is a java commentary line.
      Line can have a comment at the end of the line & be concidered as a non-comment line if comment start after char 20 & midle of the line.